Page 52 - Hamizrachi #30 USA 2021 Yom Yerushalayim - Shavuot
P. 52


                                                                                              Shani Hikind

       Our Love Affair With Jerusalem

                  ur   love   affair  with  David,  to embrace  their long  lost love   thriving Jewish communities that were
                  Yerushalayim began more   and kiss the stones of the generations.   destroyed by the Arab pogroms and
                  than 3,800 years ago when   From “Next Year” to “This Year,” from   coordinated efforts of Arab leaders
                  G-d beckoned Avraham      division to unification, from sadness to   before 1967. A chance encounter with
      Oto leave his birthplace              joy, the Jewish people have come home.   an Arab middleman in a taxi outside
       and travel to a far away land. In the   Ateret Cohanim was born from this   the Jaffa Gate led to the reacquisition,
       city  that was  to be named  Jerusalem   union  and  it  is  our  mission  to  help   all 100% legal, of more than 19 buildings
       and on the mountaintop of Moriah,    complete the redemption process       in the Old City and Ir David. As these
       where he succeeded in demonstrating   in those areas that have yet to be   buildings  were  restored and families
       his ultimate attachment to G-d and the   returned to our people.           with children moved in, additional
       religion that was to be named Judaism,   When the paratroopers entered     social and recreational needs became
       the connection and bond between      the Old City in 1967 and wept at the   necessary.
       his  descendants  has  been  eternal  and   Western Wall, they found the once   The American Friends of Ateret
       unshaken. Countless conquerors have   heavily populated area devoid of Jewish   Cohanim was formed soon after to help
       attempted to sever that connection,   life. Missing were the 21 synagogues,   fund the projects that centered around
       powerful  nations  have  tried  to  destroy   6  graduate  level  Yeshivot  and  the   the educational, social recreational and
       the bond, ruthless warriors have even   hustle and bustle of Jewish life. On the   security needs of the families living in
       tried  to change its  name, but yet,   doorposts of the homes were empty   these areas and to insure the inalienable
       through all these trials, Jerusalem   crevices that once held  mezuzot.    right for Jews to live anywhere in peace
       and the Jewish people have remained   Jewish street names were changed as   and security in and around the Old City
       united. In the happiest of times and in   the goal of the Arab occupiers was   of Jerusalem.
       the  darkest  of  moments,  “Next  Year   to  make  Jerusalem  “judenrein.” The   Due to these efforts and achievements,
       in Jerusalem” was emblazoned on the   Temple Mount and the areas directly   there  is  once  again  a growing Jewish
       lips and minds of the Jewish Nation. It   surrounding Mount Moriah were called   presence in the Old City near the
       is part of their DNA. No wonder the   the Muslim, Christian and Armenian   Flowers Gate and Damascus Gate. This
       enemies of the Jews have attempted   Quarters (note it takes 4 to make     growth has spurred other growth around
       every method to erase the connection.    quarters). The Old City was bereft of its   the Temple Mount area with a thriving
        Glorious moments in the redemption   Jewish identity.                     Jewish neighborhood on the Mount of
       process have been witnessed and        After a number of failed attempts to   Olives called Maaleh  HaZeitim with
       experienced in our time. The miracles   get mainstream Jewish organizations   over 100 families, 35 families live in the
       of  the  rebirth  of  the  modern  state  of   to help in the restoration of Jewish life   Shiloach (Silwan), and there is a growing
       Israel  in  1948  and  the  subsequent   in the Old City, a young, post yeshiva,   community in Kidmat Zion (Abu Dis),
       reunification of Jerusalem in 1967 are   idealistic veteran of the Israel Defense   with 11 Jewish families.
       the realization of more than 2000 years   Forces, Matityahu HaCohen Dan,     This revival of Jewish life in these
       of  dreaming. Our  own  eyes have  seen   established Ateret Cohanim during the   neighborhoods is referred to as the
       a Six-Day War when our backs were to   Festival of Chanukah in 1977 (Kislev   “Shield of Jerusalem.“
       the sea ultimately to be exchanged by   5738). His aim and the mission of Ateret   We are back  home, but  a lot  of
       opening the floodgates of Jewish return   Cohanim was to fulfill a generations   work  needs  to be  done. Slowly but
       from the “four corners of the earth.”   old dream of rebuilding & securing   surely, we are returning to all parts of
       Our people were drawn to the ancient   a United Jerusalem,  to  strengthen  its   “Our Jerusalem.” Just as the JNF has
       walls of the city of Avraham, the City of   Jewish roots and reestablish the once   reclaimed land over the years throughout

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