Page 16 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 16


                                                                              Rabbi Hershel Schachter

                Hidden and Revealed Miracles

             he Mishnah in Avot (5:6) enumer-  conditional, dependent upon its split-  observer it has been created presently, is
             ates 10 things that were created   ting for the Jewish people when they   not a new miracle. It is, in fact, the nes
      Ton erev Shabbat at bein haSh-         left Mitzrayim. Thus, G-d implanted the   of Creation, and it occurs only because
       mashot (twilight), including the mouth   Yam Suf’s future transformation into   it was so stipulated well in advance. On
       of the earth that engulfed Korach, the   its very nature. This was the case with   the other hand, a nes nistar is not the
       mouth of the well that provided water   the creation of all of the nissim geluyim   nes of Creation. It is a present-day nes
       in the Midbar, the mouth of the donkey   (revealed miracles) that would occur   that G-d orchestrates through hashga-
       that spoke to Bilaam, the man, and the   throughout history as well (Bereishit   cha pratit, by suspending free will to
       staff with which Moshe performed the   Rabbah 5:5).                        achieve a given result.
       signs in Mitzrayim.                   Nissim nistarim (hidden miracles), how-  Some explain (see Rav Shlomo Yosef

       All of nature had been created on the   ever, are of a completely different nature.   Zevin, LeTorah UlaMoadim, Purim 1)
       previous six days, but these future mir-  The Rambam (Moreh Nevuchim 3:17)   that this is why we drink wine on Purim
       acles, exceptions to G-d’s natural order,   explains that although G-d does not   to a greater extent than on other Yamim
       were provided for on erev Shabbat at   adjust the laws of nature He established   Tovim, to the point of ע ַ דָי א ָ ל ְ ּ ד ד ַ ע – “until
       bein haShmashot. Thus, the Rambam     during Creation, He does, at times,   one  does  not  know  [the  difference
       explains, it is not the case, as it may   exercise hashgacha pratit to suspend   between cursed is Haman and blessed
       appear to an onlooker, that G-d altered   man’s free will. In other words, free will   is Mordechai]” (Megillah 7b). Contrary
       the laws of nature at the time those   is the only aspect of world events not   to the common impression that a nes
       miracles occurred. Instead, the ratzon   governed by the laws of nature.   nigleh is of a higher caliber, a nes nistar
       Hashem that these innovations occur   The Rambam presents a mashal of a    such as the nes Purim deserves greater
       in the future was present at the time of   ship that capsizes at sea. G-d desires that   celebration. After all, it was a nes that
       Creation itself (see Rambam, Shemoneh   this accident should occur and therefore   G-d performed at the time of Morde-
       Perakim, 8; Peirush HaMishnayot, Avot   He may suspend the ship manufacturer’s   chai and Esther, not an ancient nes that
       5:6).                                 free will, so the ship is less sturdy than   is really part of the nes of the Creation
                                             usual. Furthermore, G-d may see to it   itself.
       The Midrash (Shemot Rabbah 21:6)
       expounds on a pasuk describing kriyat   that a rasha decides to travel on the   Adapted from Rav Schachter on the Parsha II.
                                             ship, even though he is unaccustomed to
       Yam Suf along the same lines. The pasuk   doing so, and that a tzaddik avoids trav-
       describes, ֹונ ָ תי ֵ א ְ ל ר ֶ ק ּ ֹב תֹונ ְ פ ִ ל םָּי ַ ה ב ׁ ָ שָּי ַ ו – “and   eling on the ship. G-d similarly adjusts   Rabbi Hershel Schachter is Rosh Yeshiva
       the water went back to its power toward   the choices that people make in order to   and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
       morning” (Shemot 14:27), and the Mid-  arrange for nissim nistarim.        Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University.
       rash relates the word ֹונ ָ תי ֵ א ְ ל to ֹואָנ ְ ת ִ ל (to
       its stipulation). This indicates that the   It emerges from this explanation that   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       original creation of the Yam Suf was   a nes nigleh, though it appears to the

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