Page 19 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 19


                                                                                    Rabbi Yehuda Sarna

                   the Throne

                hat is it really like to approach   to participate as such in greeting Pope   intimate and modest. We sat in  U
                the throne when you are not   Francis during his historic visit to Abu   format, as is the design of an Arabic
       Wcalled?                              Dhabi.                               majlis (court). I decided to open with
                                                                                  the blessing on meeting a sovereign,
       I shudder to think about the terror which   We  felt intensely  that  we  could  not
       must have gripped Esther as she stepped   remain silent –  י ׁ ִ שי ִ ר ֲ ח ַּ ת  ׁש ֵ ר ֲ ח ַ ה ם ִ א. We   ם ָ ד ָ ו רׂ ָ ש ָ ב ְְ ל ֹודֹוב ְְּ כ ִ מ ן ַ תָּנ ֶ ׁש, a blessing to G-d for
       outside the bounds of court protocol.   advanced a unique proposal: to dedicate   having imparted of His Honor to human
       I can imagine the times throughout    a Sefer Torah in memory of the Founder   beings. We completed the Torah scroll,
       Jewish history when our ancestors took   of the United Arab Emirates, Sheikh   and recited the Prayer for the Welfare
       similar risks, following in Esther’s path,   Zayed bin Sultan al Nahyan, and gift it   of the United Arab Emirates, its Rulers
       only to meet with a devastatingly differ-  to his son, His Highness Sheikh Moham-  and its Armed Forces.
       ent outcome. Protocol in a royal court is   med bin Zayed (MBZ), Crown Prince of   For my remarks, I had been counseled in
       not about being rude or polite, but can   Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Com-  advance not to speak of gratitude alone,
       be a matter of life or death.         mander of the UAE Armed Forces. We   but of partnership and shared vision.

       Having lived most of my life in demo-  suggested that the honor of writing the   Thus, the Torah represented not only a
       cratic countries, I have experienced only   last letter with the sofer go to a member   gift, but a symbol of mutual trust, kin-
       one comparable moment.                of the royal family. There have been   ship and respect. In fact, the agreement
                                             Sifrei Torah presented to kings, czars   we made that day was that this Torah
       In February of 2019, I was invited to   and presidents, but never to an Arab   would come to the Jewish community
       serve as the inaugural Chief Rabbi of the   ruler.                         annually for the High Holidays and Sim-
       Jewish Council of the Emirates (JCE),                                      chat Torah on loan, and then return to
       the first new Jewish community to be                                       the authorities. And, on Simchat Torah
       established on the Arabian Peninsula in                                    of 2020/5781, we actually danced with
       centuries. Families had been privately                                     the Sheikh Zayed Torah.
       celebrating Jewish life together for over
       a decade before then, but the theme of                                     Esther lived through a time when if
       2019, “The Year of Tolerance”, shone a                                     she would have remained silent and
       spotlight on diverse religious communi-                                    not approached the throne, the Jewish
       ties in the country, including the Jews.                                   people may have been obliterated. Had
       It was for this reason that the growing                                    we, the Jewish community in the Emir-
                                                                                  ates, remained silent, no danger would
       number of Jewish individuals and fam-
       ilies in the UAE decided to formalize a                                    have ensued. And yet the duty not to
       constitution, elect officers, and tell their   To our amazement, the proposal was   remain silent, rather to affirm and cele-
       own story.                            accepted. As we began to prepare for   brate the good that others have done to
                                             the ceremony, we became aware of all   us, is no less of an obligation. We must
       The surreal nature of events in that   of the protocols of the Court: what time   not let the values of gratitude, trust and
       year were not lost on us. We heard    to arrive, where to stand, and in which   partnership be engulfed by the silence
       the announcement of the building of   order. However, one overriding protocol   of entitlement. We must not decline to
       the Abrahamic Family House complex    principle was made clear to us: do not   say our lines simply because it is not in
       in Abu Dhabi, which would include a                                        the script. We must embrace the firsts
       state-of-the-art synagogue. We saw the   compromise on a single Jewish law or   that come with our moment in history.
                                             custom in order to accommodate the
       inclusion of a chapter on Judaism in a                                     Rabbi Yehuda Sarna serves as the Execu-
       government-commissioned book enti-    Court.                               tive Director of the Bronfman Center at New
       tled “Celebrating Tolerance.” Leaders of   The Torah ceremony on November   York University and as the Chief Rabbi of the
       the local Jewish community were invited   25, 2019, was not large or public, but   Jewish Council of the Emirates (JCE).

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