Page 21 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 21


       be negotiated peace. People engaged in   Israelites were commanded to fight.   Lee Harris began Civilization and its
       conflict eventually realise they are not   He also said, in The Guide for the Per-  Enemies with the words, “The subject of
       only destroying their enemies: they are   plexed, that the command only applied   this book is forgetfulness,” and ends with
       destroying themselves. That is what   to people of specific biological descent.   a question: “Can the West overcome the
       Pharaoh’s advisers said to him after   It is not to be applied in general to ene-  forgetfulness that is the nemesis of every
       seven plagues: “Do you not yet realise   mies or haters of the Jewish people. So   successful civilization?” That is why we
       that Egypt is ruined?” (Shemot 10:7).   the command to wage war against the   are commanded to remember and never
       There comes a point at which rational   Amalekites no longer applies.      forget Amalek, not because the historic
       actors understand that the pursuit of   However, there is a quite different com-  people still exists, but because a society
       self-interest has become self-destruc-  mand, to “remember” and “not forget”   of rational actors can sometimes believe
       tive, and they learn to cooperate.    Amalek, which we fulfil annually by   that the world is full of rational actors
       It is not so with non-rational actors. Emil   reading the passage about the Amale-  with whom one can negotiate peace. It
       Fackenheim, one of the great post-Ho-  kites command as it appears in Devarim   is not always so.
       locaust theologians, noted that towards   on the Shabbat before Purim, Shabbat   Rarely was a Biblical message so rele-
       the end of the Second World War, the   Zachor. Here Amalek has become a    vant to the future of the West and of
       Germans diverted trains carrying sup-  symbol rather than a reality.       freedom itself. Peace is possible, implies
       plies to their own army to transport Jews                                  Moses, even with an Egypt that enslaved
       to the extermination camps. So driven   By dividing the response in this way,   and tried to destroy us. But peace is not
       were they by hate that they were pre-  Judaism marks a clear distinction   possible with those who attack people
       pared to put their own victory at risk in   between  an  ancient  enemy  who  no   they see as weak and who deny their own
       order to carry out the systematic murder   longer exists, and the evil that enemy   people the freedom for which they claim
       of the Jews of Europe. This was, he said,   embodied, which can break out again   to be fighting. Freedom depends on
       evil for evil’s sake. 2               at any time in any place.            our ability to remember and whenever
       In Jewish memory, the Amalekites      At times of peace, it is easy to forget   necessary to confront “the eternal gang
       function as “the enemy” in Lee Harris’s   the evil that lies just beneath the sur-  of ruthless men,” the face of Amalek
       sense.  Jewish law, however, specifies   face of the human heart. Never was this   throughout history.
       two completely different forms of action   truer than in the past three centuries.
       in relation to the Amalekites. First is the   The birth of Enlightenment, toleration,   1   Avot 5:16.
       physical command to wage war against   emancipation, liberalism and human   2   Fackenheim, Emil L., and Michael L. Morgan.
       them. That is what Samuel told Saul to   rights persuaded many, Jews among     The Jewish Thought of Emil Fackenheim: A
                                                                                      Reader. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1987, 126.
       do, a command he failed fully to fulfil.   them, that collective evil was as extinct   3   Lee Harris, Civilization and its Enemies: The
       Does this command still apply today?  as the Amalekites. Evil was then, not    Next Stage of History, New York, Free Press,
       The unequivocal answer given by Rabbi   now. That age eventually begat nation-  2004.
       Nachum Rabinovitch is: No. Maimon-    alism, fascism, communism, two World   4   Rabbi N. L. Rabinovitch, Responsa Melomdei
                                                                                      Milchamah, Ma’ale Adumim, Ma’aliyot, 1993,
       ides ruled that the command to destroy   Wars, some of the most brutal tyrannies   22–25.
       the Amalekites only applied if they   ever known, and the worst crime of man
       refused to make peace and accept the   against man.
       seven Noahide laws. He further stated   Evil never dies, and like liberty it
       that the command was no longer appli-  demands constant vigilance. We are
       cable since Sancheriv, the Assyrian, had   commanded to remember, not for the
       transported and resettled the nations   sake of the past but for the sake of the   Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks  ל“צז was a
                                                                                  global religious leader, philosopher, and
       he conquered so it was no longer pos-  future,  and  not for  revenge  but  the   award-winning author who served as Chief
       sible to identify the ethnicity of any of   opposite: a world free of revenge and   Rabbi of the United Hebrew Congregations
       the original nations against whom the   other forms of violence.           of the Commonwealth from 1991 to 2013.

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