Page 22 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 22
Rabbi David Stav
Our Masks
he most well-known symbol of on Purim? The Talmud asks, “Where םיִנ ָּ פ. That we don’t understand one iota
Purim is the mask. There is no can we find Esther in the Torah?” What of how G-d runs the world, and with
Tkindergarten or school in the is the source of Megillat Esther in the total faith and bitachon we rely on Him
Jewish world in which children and Torah? The answer is surprising: “And I to never abandon His nation.
parents don’t know that you celebrate will certainly hide (רי ִּ ת ְ ס ַ א ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ַ ה) My Face
Purim by putting on a costume. Even on that day.” The truth is, this is how we should feel
those who don’t remember exactly what every year. I remember Purim in the
happened on Purim and why we cele- What is the connection between Queen year of the Gulf War, when we were
brate know it’s a must to dress up, and Esther and the words “I will certainly constantly running to the sealed rooms
I’m sure you all have fond memories of hide My Face”? There are times in for fear of chemical attacks; then too,
Purim in your childhood. Jewish history when Divine Providence we wore masks. On Purim that year,
is apparent and clear. Yetziat Mitzrayim, we came back out to our lives, without
The source of this minhag is in the for example. Anyone who saw kriyat masks. Divine Providence was revealed
Mahari Mintz, who describes how his to us in that despite dozens of missile
fellow Rabbis would dress up in cos- Yam Suf and the Egyptians drowning in attacks, less than a handful of Jews in
the sea while Israel walked on dry land
tumes. After him, the Rema writes in the entire country were directly harmed.
the Shulchan Aruch about the “custom saw the extended Hand of G-d in the
to wear masks on Purim.” For one look- world. But there are other times in our That Purim, the Jews had ora, light (to
ing from outside, it seems foreign and history when everything seems dark; the borrow a term from the Megillah). This
strange to the spirit of Jewish tradition. world seems like a great, bubbling pot year, the םיִנ ָּ פ ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ֶ ה is much greater. We
Some even claimed that the source of left on the fire without supervision or will wear our masks knowing we still
this custom was from similar events that purpose. live in that Divinely-orchestrated hidden
happened in Germany and Italy in the This is the םיִנ ָּ פ ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ֶ ה the Torah hints to reality, and wait as patiently as we can
Middle Ages. The Sages suggested dif- in these words. This is what the Jews for healing and comfort.
ferent reasons for this custom. Among experienced at the time of Mordechai
them, the fact that Mordechai changed and Esther. What did G-d want from Most of all, we want to see the faces of
his clothing from regular clothing to us? Why did Haman issue a decree to our friends and loved ones. We want to
torn sackcloth and then to royal attire. see who hides behind the masks. Deep
wipe out the Jewish nation? How many down, we also want to see G-d behind
However this year, I think we can add questions would we have asked in those His mask, and imbue our lives with
another idea. times, as in many other periods in which profound meaning and significance.
we were persecuted by murderous, We want to see G-d’s light – ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ַּ ת ל ַ א
Nowadays, this custom seems under- antisemitic nations? יִּנ ֶּ מ ִ מ ךיֶנ ָּ פ, don’t hide Your Face from us.
standable and familiar. We all wear
masks – young and old, men and םיִנ ָּ פ ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ֶ ה – G-d ‘hiding’ Himself, is the
women, Jews and non-Jews. mask. Rabbi David Stav is Chief Rabbi of Shoham.
What does this tell us? What should Hence we wear masks on Purim to A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
we be thinking when we wear masks express that this is a holiday of ר ֵּ ת ְ ס ֶ ה
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