Page 23 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 23
In antiquity, all Jews would contribute a
In antiquity, all Jews would contribute a
לקשה תיצחמ, a half shekel, to the Beit
לקשה תיצחמ, a half shekel, to the Beit
Hamikdash before Purim. This is the source of
Hamikdash before Purim. This is the source of
the contemporary custom to donate just before
the contemporary custom to donate just before
Purim in memory of the half shekel. The half
Purim in memory of the half shekel. The half
shekel, rather than a whole shekel, signifies
shekel, rather than a whole shekel, signifies
that we cannot obtain completeness alone.
that we cannot obtain completeness alone.
We invite you to join RZA-Mizrachi's Shekel
We invite you to join RZA-Mizrachi's Shekel
Society, to take part in building the future of
Society, to take part in building the future of
לארשי םע and לארשי ץרא together.
לארשי םע and לארשי ץרא together.
הניטלפ (Platinum) $18,000+
הניטלפ (Platinum) $18,000+
בהז (Gold) $10,000+
בהז (Gold) $10,000+
ףסכ (Silver) $5,000+
ףסכ (Silver) $5,000+
תשוחנ (Bronze) $3,600+
תשוחנ (Bronze) $3,600+
לזרב (Iron) $1,800+
לזרב (Iron) $1,800+
יחרזמ תחפשמ (Mizrachi Family) $1,000+
יחרזמ תחפשמ (Mizrachi Family) $1,000+
יחרזמ רבח (Friend of Mizrachi) $500+
יחרזמ רבח (Friend of Mizrachi) $500+
יחרזמ רירגש (Mizrachi Ambassador) $180+
יחרזמ רירגש (Mizrachi Ambassador) $180+