Page 28 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 28


                                                                                Rabbi Dr. Yosef Bronstein

                 Solidarity and Spirituality

            av Kook describes Purim as a     extent to which we connect with other   each with its own unique lifestyle and
            time for powerful spiritual expe-  people.                            approach, began to live together once
      Rriences. Throughout the year,                                              again, the need and importance of
       our souls are hidden beneath layers of   This links to a broader theme in Rav   Jewish unity became even more central
       our shallower, surface personalities. On   Kook’s thought. Throughout his writ-  (Ma’amarei HaReiyah, 156).
       Purim though, “wine enters, and secrets   ings, he argues for the intertwinement
       emerge” (Sanhedrin 38a), which Rav    of the “vertical” line towards G-d with   On the one hand, this new reality cre-
       Kook interprets as referring to the rev-  the “horizontal” line towards others. For   ates a very real danger of discontent and
       elation of the usually concealed soul. In   example, in one passage he writes that   disarray. Each group needs to become
       addition, we don masks and costumes to   “the soul of individuals is drawn from the   accustomed to living alongside Jews of
       conceal our surface personalities, cre-  Source of the Worlds that exists within   different stripes or risk the escalation
       ating the space for a focus on our inner   the collective; the collective gives the   of intra-group quarrelling. Simultane-
       and more essential identity – a Divine   soul to the individual” (Orot Yisrael 2:3).   ously though, this potential pitfall also
       soul (Ma’amarei HaReiyah, 153).       In other words, G-d’s presence resides   presents a tremendous opportunity.
                                                                                  The ingathering of the exiles sets the
       Generally, we think of soul revelations   most brightly in the collective of the   stage for true national unity, the likes of
                                             Jewish people. The only path to access
       and spiritual experiences as intensely   Divinity is through deep and meaningful   which have not been seen in thousands
       personal events. Each soul is unique   connections with the Jewish people.    of years. The creation of the Jewish col-
       and therefore one person’s experience                                      lective – not just as an abstract theoret-
       is incommensurate with anyone else’s.   For Rav Kook, this enmeshment of inter-  ical entity but as a real people living side
       Accordingly, spirituality is often thought   personal unity with our spiritual connec-  by side – can make the Divine light shine
     Background illustration of Rav Kook courtesy of
       of as optimally accessible when set apart   tion to G-d is part of the eternal message   more brightly in this world. In turn, this
       from regular society, such as in a mon-  of Purim. It takes on new significance   feeling of “amongst my nation I dwell”
       astery or an ashram.                  though, as the Jewish people return to   can enhance each Jew’s personal spiri-
                                             the Land of Israel. When we are living   tual experiences, on Purim and through-
       However, Purim, despite its strong spir-  an exilic reality dispersed amongst the
       itual qualities, is celebrated in a com-  nations, the notion of Jewish unity can,   out the year.
       munal setting. Large meals, parties and   for the most part, only be realized within   Let us reveal this Purim Letter with
       revelry are part and parcel of the day.   the confines of one’s local community.   all its wondrousness, which transcends
       Similarly, when Rav Kook describes the   While in theory Jews always espoused   all  our meager [human] knowledge.
       revelation of the soul which can occur   a connection to the nation as a whole,   [Let us] declare the power of a unified
       on Purim, he highlights that this can   this was practically difficult to actualize   Jewish people which brings together all
       only transpire if one cultivates feelings   as they had little or no contact with Jews   the strands of G-d’s nation. [This unity]
       of community and solidarity with other   beyond their land.                is the secret of the eternality of the Jewish
       Jews. It is only through Esther’s dictum                                   people… When wine enters, secrets
       of “Go and gather all the Jews” (Esther   In Rav Kook’s time, however, Esther’s   emerge (Ma’amarei HaReiyah, 155).
       4:16) that “the inner Jewish conscious-  call of “Go and gather all of the Jews,”
       ness can break through” from its place   became  a  literal  imperative.  Jews
       of concealment (Ma’amarei HaReiyah,   left their homes in the Diaspora and   Rabbi  Dr.  Yosef  Bronstein  is  a  faculty
       154). On Purim, our spiritual connec-  returned to the Land of Israel. As Jews   member of Michlelet Mevaseret Yerusha-
       tion with G-d is dependent upon the   from multiple locales and cultures,   layim and Yeshiva University.

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