Page 29 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 29


                                OUR SERIES ON LEADERS WHO HAVE SHAPED ZIONISM
                         Rabbi Levi Ibn Chaviv

                                  Defender of Yerushalayim

            orn in Spain in 1483, Rabbi Levi   Israel. Most of them settled in Tzfat,   claiming semicha needed to come first
            Ibn Chaviv (also known as the    away from the Muslim and Christian   and foremost from Yerushalayim. The
      BMaharal Chaviv or by his acro-        threat in Yerushalayim. The Jews of   project was halted.
       nym, the Maharlbach) was the son of   Yerushalayim were few and impov-     Rabbi Levi also wrote extensively on the
       Rabbi Ya’akov Ibn Chaviv, author of the   erished,  while  Tzfat was  flourishing   rejuvenated Mitzvot HaTluyot BaAretz,
       aggadic commentary Ein Ya’akov.       spiritually and financially in the height   mitzvot which were not kept in exile but
       From the age of nine, Rabbi Levi led   of its “Golden Era.” Although he could   were suddenly relevant in Israel. His
       a rather nomadic life. His family was   have stayed in Tzfat, a breeding ground   halachic responsa were compiled into
       expelled from Spain in 1492 and they   for the greatest rabbis and leaders of   the Maharlbach Responsa, a fundamen-
       fled to Portugal, from where they were   the time, Rabbi Levi chose to move to   tal source in Mitzvot HaTluyot BaAretz.
       expelled once more in 1498. They then   Yerushalayim, despite the difficult con-  Another famous responsa of his
       moved to Saloniki, where Rabbi Levi   ditions, decrying the abandonment of   addresses the halachot of Purim Meshu-
       studied under his father’s auspices and   the Holy City.                   lash, a rare occurrence when Shushan
       learned to become a sofer stam. It was   He wrote at length encouraging Jews   Purim falls out on Shabbat (like this
       there that Rabbi Ya’akov passed away   to live there and criticizing the Jews of   year). Such a Purim occurred when
       and Rabbi Levi completed his father’s   Tzfat for forgetting the holy city. When   Rabbi Levi served as Chief Rabbi of
       unfinished manuscript of the  Ein     a plague broke out in Yerushalayim,   Yerushalayim. At the time, the Jews
                                             spreading quickly because of cramped   didn’t know what to do. Having returned
       In 1513, Rabbi Levi moved to Israel for   conditions, Rabbi Levi remained in the   from exile, they had no tradition regard-
       a short period. Unable to earn a living,   city while many families fled.   ing when the mitzvot of Purim should
       he returned to Saloniki, then moved to                                     be performed in such a circumstance.
       Damascus, and Aleppo, all the while   One of his most famous rulings is his   Rabbi Levi taught them the answers.
       determined to return to the Holy Land.   opposition to renewing semicha, hala-
                                             chic rabbinic ordination. According   He also wrote a commentary on the
       In 1525, Rabbi Levi moved to Tzfat,   to the Rambam, if all of the rabbis and   Rambam’s laws of Kiddush HaChodesh.
       where he spent a short amount of time   leaders of Israel agree to it, semicha as   Rabbi Levi Ibn Chaviv passed away in
       before finally settling in Yerushalayim,   was performed in the times of the Mik-  Yerushalayim in 1545. After his passing,
       where it didn’t take long before he was   dash can be renewed. In 1538, when the   the Jewish community in Yerushalayim,
       appointed chief rabbi of the city. He had   rabbis of Tzfat got together to renew   which he had worked so hard to culti-
       a burning passion for Yerushalayim and   the semicha, Rabbi Levi was not con-  vate, dwindled, and many moved away.
       spent his life building and defending the   sulted. Outraged they could consider   Nevertheless, his legacy as a defender
       holy city.                            such a thing without taking counsel with   of Yerushalayim as the center of Torah

       After the Spanish expulsion, many Jews   the Rabbi of Yerushalayim, Rabbi Levi   and Jewish life, and his mesirut toward
       came directly or indirectly to settle in   wrote to them to declare his objection,   the holy city, remains. 

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