Page 62 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 62
Rabbi Chaim Navon
The Real Joy of Purim
n a July day in 1518, Mrs. Trof- A few years ago, Israeli high school Still, when we drink and behave in mod-
fea went out into the streets of yeshiva students uploaded an offensive eration, this custom has taste and mean-
OStrasbourg and began to dance. video as a promo for the upcoming ing, within the boundaries of Purim.
She danced for six days straight. In those Purim celebrations. Their Principal
six days, 34 people contracted her ‘fever’ responded appropriately and canceled Sadly, the revelry of Adar in Israeli
and joined the ongoing dance. Within a the celebrations. My wife asked me if, yeshiva high schools often crosses the
month, there were hundreds of danc- in my opinion, the punishment was not boundaries of halacha and of respect-
ers on the streets of the country who excessive. I told her I didn’t think it was fulness, and it is difficult to find any
had been dancing for days on end. To excessive at all. On the contrary. In my educational value in such festivities. Tre-
this day, no full explanation has been opinion, all the revelry of Adar should be mendous effort and enormous resources
found for that dance fever. Some of the cancelled in the yeshivas, even in insti- are wasted on grandiose celebrations,
dancers writhed in pain and begged for tutions where the students know better which are sometimes replete with vanity
mercy but could not stop dancing. Some than to publicize vulgar videos. and insults. Some teachers are hesitant
explain the incident as an outbreak of to intervene, for fear they will just be
mass hysteria. Many died from heart Yes, it is accepted in our tradition that ridiculed.
on one day a year, for a few hours, the
attacks, strokes or exhaustion. The joy of youth is good and healthy.
restraints are lifted a little. But even then
A less fatal case occurred in Tanzania it’s not good to exaggerate. The Gemara But it is good and healthy in Adar in the
in 1962. Three girls started laughing at tells of a Sage who drank too much, and same framework and in the same con-
school and could not stop. Most of the in his drunkenness, killed another Sage text in which it is good in Cheshvan or
boarding school students were infected (then prayed for him and brought him Iyar. This is how the Rambam described
with the raging laughter. The principal back to life). The Nimukei Yosef writes the priorities of Purim: “It is better for
was forced to close the school and send that a person can drink on Purim, but a person to increase the gifts for the
the students home. The result was that “should not go crazy in his drunkenness poor than to add to his meal and send
the residents of the nearby villages were and be drawn to jest and frivolity.” mishloach manot, for there is no greater
also infected with the laughter epidemic. Despite this, many are very stringent and more glorious joy than to gladden
14 schools in the area were closed for about drunkenly letting go on Purim. the hearts of the poor, orphaned, wid-
extended periods, and mass laughter This custom has been dressed in a cover owed and converts.” This is the joy the
ceased only after a year and a half. When of ideology. As if drunkenness and let- Rambam believed in: caring for others
the three original laughers were asked ting loose reveal one’s inner holiness. and actively demonstrating responsibil-
what was so funny to begin with, they This is like saying we need to peel away ity for the community.
were unable to answer.
a person’s skin to reveal his inner organs.
Dancing and laughter are not always Just as the skin is part of the body, not
joyous activities. Sometimes they are just a shell, self-control and restraint are
just a forced expression of social dynam- intrinsic parts of ourselves. When we
ics. It is imperative to remember this, abandon self-control, we are less human, Rabbi Chaim Navon is a renowned author
especially during the month of Adar. not more. and educator.
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