Page 58 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 58


                                                                                       Rabbi Hanoch Teller

                               A Purim Passing

            veryone knows there is no short-  sums of money from a free-loan society   protests, Rabbi Rubin was adamant he
            age of people collecting charity   every month. He borrowed because he   could not let down the needy as Purim
      Ein Yerushalayim. There are also       felt he had a personal debt which had   was the holiday of the poor.
       many gabbai tzedakah (officers to over-  to be paid. He wasn’t doing the poor
       look charity distribution), but 50 years   a favor, he was merely carrying out an   Early the next morning, Rabbi Rubin
       ago, Rabbi Yosef Binyamin Rubin z”l,   obligation.                         was out celebrating Purim by collect-
       was reputed to be the finest gabbai tze-                                   ing for the poor, trudging through the
       dakah Jerusalem had ever known.       Poor people are all the same, he rea-  snow, battling his illness and fighting the
       One cannot transcend overnight. His   soned,  and  he  was  color  blind  as  to   weather. The fatigue was apparent and
                                             background: Sephardi, Ashkenazi, Chas-
       capacity for charity was partly indige-                                    his knees gave way.
       nous, partly cultivated. The result was   sid, Lithuanian, Mizrachi, whatever; all   Yerushalayim’s greatest gabbai tzedakah
                                             have the same needs of life’s necessities
       a paragon so exalted that he became a                                      lay motionless on the freezing asphalt.
       legend in his very own lifetime.      and dignity. Rabbi Rubin’s greatest joy,
                                             however, was to provide for a talmid   Rabbi Rubin was rushed to the hospital
       From the time that he was a child he had   chacham.                        for emergency treatment to help him
       an inner drive to give tzedakah which   An impoverished talmid chacham did   regain consciousness.
       would afford him no rest.
                                             not even have a proper jacket to wear.   Nothing seemed to work. Not a move,
       Directly after his wedding, during the   Rabbi Rubin purchased a wardrobe for   not a twitch.
       week of  sheva brachot, adorned in a   him, and could not help boasting: “I have   His family gathered around his bedside
       shtreimel and a bekishe and accompa-  just bought a cover for a Sefer Torah.”
       nied by a shomer (guard who accompa-                                       day and night. Specialists tried every
                                                                                  possible method to restore him to
       nies a groom when he is not with his   He was an undercover detective of
       bride during the week of sheva brachot),   the highest order. No matter what the   consciousness.
       he stood on the street corner collecting   camouflage – he saw through it. He   Still nothing.
       tzedakah.                             had an uncanny nose for detecting who
                                             was truly in need, and when he found a   Until his wife went over to his bedside
       “Do the poor people have to suffer just   worthy recipient, nothing stood in his   and whispered, “Yossel, it’s almost time
       because I have a simcha?”             path. Some way or another the needy   for  kimcha  d’pischa” (Passover help
                                             received, usually never realizing how,
       Rabbi Rubin revolutionized giving tze-  when, or from where.               for the needy. Customarily, collections
       dakah by introducing radical concepts                                      begin 30 days in advance of the holiday,
       in the art of giving. He contended that   Jerusalemites will never forget Purim   the  day after Purim.)  Only  then did
       one must give according to the poor   1979. It was a  Purim Meshulash –    Rabbi Rubin awaken.
       person’s needs and not according to the   three consecutive days of celebration,   Rabbi Rubin lived for tzedakah, and for-
       giver’s means (with substantiation for   bedecked with snow. Flurries began to   ever after his memory is commemorated
       this policy from a Mishna in Pirkei Avot).   fall early in the evening. Late into the   through tzedakah through the Od Yosef
       He borrowed terms from the infla-     night it still hadn’t stopped, and there   Chai (Yosef Lives Yet) Fund.
       tion-plagued Israeli economy to help   was an eerie feeling that this was a sor-
       the indigent: poor people must also have   row-clouded harbinger.          Rabbi Hanoch Teller,  internationally-ac-
       wage increments, price increases, value                                    claimed  storyteller  extraordinaire,  is  an
       added supplements etc., he reasoned.   Everyone in the Rubin house was still   award-winning author and producer.
                                             awake. Rabbi Rubin was ill, but still
       To cover his budget of fund allocation   threatened to go out the next day col-  A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       to the needy, he borrowed staggering   lecting for the poor. Despite a chorus of

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