Page 57 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 57


 Rabbi Yakov Horowitz                                                                Rabbi Moshe Berliner

                    Purim and Marriage

             hazal chose to call this holiday   What is G-d’s purpose in creating a   and downs, times of joy and times of
             Purim. Why? To gain insight into   world in which His hidden Hand directs   stress, times when G-d’s compassion
      Cthis choice, it is helpful to juxta-  the force of history? He wanted a ה ָ רי ִ ּ ד   is hidden. In every situation, we can
       pose the name “Purim” with the name   םיִנ ֹו ּ ת ְ ח ַּ ת ַּ ב, a dwelling place in His cre-  choose to act and react either out of
       of the central mitzvah of the holiday, the   ation. He wanted a world in which His   immediate response, without thought
       reading of the Megillah.              presence might not be recognized by the   to the consequences, or we can consider
                                             naked eye but could be revealed when   our actions and respond by connecting
       Purim is named for the רּו ּ פ, the lottery   one understands His guiding presence.
       Haman used to establish the day for the   What is the essence of that presence?   to the values which reflect the deepest
       destruction of the Jewish people. What   What is it He desires for us to do when   desire of G-d, i.e., that our lives, the lives
       does choice by lottery represent? Pure   recognizing His hand as the essence of   of our marriages and our families, reflect
                                                                                  His values of love, respect, compassion
       chance, capriciousness, unpredictability,   life? He wants us to live in this world in a   and caring.
       a world without purpose. It bespeaks a   way that expresses His middot. He wants
       life without ultimate meaning or future   the world, in all its darkness, to be illu-  Chazal call this holiday Purim to express
       goals, a world in which things simply   minated by man who recognizes G-d’s   our immediate, often inchoate experi-
       happen. In the world of רּו ּ פ there are   Kingship and acts in a loving, caring,   ence of everyday life. We are bidden to
       recognizable causes and consequences,   G-d-like way.                      read the Megillah both at night, to sym-
       patterns and structures. It is not a   That is the underlying message of the   bolize the periods when darkness pre-
       nonsensical world. Haman does want    Megillah. In the face of the ostensible   vails, and again in the day, symbolizing
       to destroy the Jewish people. He takes   rule of the רּו ּ פ, the seeming lack of pur-  the times when light prevails, revealing
       terrifying steps to do so. He knows   pose to history, replete with evil and   the truths of G-d’s guiding hand. We
       what he is doing and plans carefully.   corruption, there is in fact a guiding   read the Megillah twice to emphasize
       But the ultimate capriciousness of it all   hand whose ways and ultimate purpose   our resolve that in all situations we strive
       is revealed by the way he chooses the   are commands for us to build our lives   to live our lives embracing the revealed
       date. He simply throws a רּו ּ פ, a lottery.   reflecting His middot of love, concern   truth of G-d’s benefice.
       The plan is nefarious but the underlying   and care.                       Purim Sameach!
       meaning is exposed by the absurd way
       he chooses the time of the attack.    The message of the Megillah is relevant
                                             to all aspects of our lives. It is perhaps
       This idea stands in sharp contrast with   most relevant to our marriages. In our
       a second central concept of Purim – the   closest relationship, we can choose to
       reading of the Megillah. The word ה ָּ ל ִ ג ְ מ   live on a superficial level, allowing the
       is derived from the word תֹו ּ ל ַ ג ְ ל, to reveal,   day-to-day circumstances of our lives to
       to bring to light, to make known. It sig-  dictate its meaning, flowing and reacting
       nifies an understanding which brings   to whatever we meet along the way. Or
       to light the underlying principles, the   we can view our marriages as an oppor-
       deeper meaning of the things we expe-  tunity to connect with the deeper values
       rience in our lives. When we read the   which bespeak the guiding hand of G-d.
       Purim story in the Megillah, the cursory   We can view marriage as an opportunity
       external experience of life represented   to live in congruence with the spiritual
       by the רּו ּ פ is revealed to be an illusion.   underpinning which reflects G-d’s
       Megillat Esther proclaims that all the   values of caring, loving and giving.   Rabbi Moshe Berliner is an author, M.S.W.
       events of the world are in fact an expres-  We can understand that everything in   and therapist specializing in family and
       sion of G-d’s guiding Hand.           life, including our marriages, has ups   marriage.

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