Page 52 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 52


                                                                                     Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm

                    rabbi norman lamm ל"צז on

                    Purim’s Call for Responsibility

          n a 1972 address, Rabbi Lamm tack-  In Rabbi Lamm’s interpretation, Adam   Sabbath as we should? Do we observe
          led the problem of how to adjudicate   too had everything, and yet could not   the Jewish holidays as we should? If we
      Iclashing preferences in society. What   resist eating from the one tree from   wish for our values to be taken seriously
       happens, say, when one group within   which G-d had forbidden him to eat. By   in the public discourse, we Jews must
       the American body politic believes it   contrast to Haman and Adam, Morde-  be sure consistently to set the highest
       has been wronged, but its preferred   chai dedicated his life not to fulfilling his   expectations for our own adherence to
       remedies seem to come at some other   personal desires and achieving his own
       group’s expense? In the wake of the late   political advancement, but to defending   those values.
       ’60s, Rabbi Lamm, in part, had in mind   his people and uplifting society. This is   The Jewish people, and all of society,
       tensions between black and Jewish com-  why the characteristic commandments   face new challenges in  emotionally
       munal activists. While he believed it was   of Purim are mishloach manot and mat-  and psychologically ambiguous times.
       almost certainly impossible for everyone   anot la’evyonim, giving material suste-  Humanity is in the grips of a global pan-
       to get what they want, he was also con-  nance and financial support to others.   demic, and American civic discourse has
       vinced that each party could genuinely   For Rabbi Lamm, Purim was not only a   become dangerously frayed. On a daily
       claim justice for its position. In order to   call to pay greater attention to individ-  basis we are deluged by righteous claims
       address this conundrum, the best we can   ual morality. He believed that Purim’s   and counterclaims by one or another
       do is to direct our high expectations not   ethic of personal responsibility should   political, social, or cultural group. Now,
       at others, but at ourselves.          also serve as a guiding principle for
       In a characteristic passage, Rabbi Lamm   Jewish engagement in the debates over   more than ever, it is not clear where is
                                                                                  here and where is there. At a time like
       argued that “Immature Man imposes his   American social politics. Recall that
       rising expectations on others: his wife,   he composed “Rising Expec-                this, Rabbi Lamm’s interpre-
       his family, his society.” By contrast, he   tations” during the heyday of            tation of Purim as a manual
       continued, “Mature Man subjects not   Jewish liberal politics in the                 for regular decision-making
       others but himself to the critique of   1970s, when many leading                     is as essential as ever. As he
       rising expectations: what more can I   American Jewish activists were                taught us, ambiguous times
       give to the world, to family, to children,   deeply concerned to promote             are our best opportunities
       to my people, to humanity and G-d and   a radical separation between                 to  make  morally  mean-
       Torah? In what way, he constantly asks   church and state. In the course             ingful choices. We must
       himself, have I made the world a better   of his intellectual career, Rabbi          resolve to assume personal
       place to live in than the state in which I   Lamm frequently expressed               responsibility – whether as
       found it when I entered it?”          his frustration that such                      individuals, a community,
       Rabbi Lamm anchored this point in     efforts appeared unac-                           or a nation – for acting
       a careful analysis of the differences   companied by a commit-                         virtuously. And we must
       between  Haman  and  Mordechai.  In   ment to the Jewish traditions                 direct our highest spiritual
       particular, he noted that Haman’s career   they were supposed to protect.
       was characterized by constant demands   In this particular sermon, Rabbi Lamm   expectations squarely at ourselves.
       of others. Haman had everything his   gave stern voice to this concern. Instead   Adapted from “Esther in America,” edited by
       heart could possibly desire – a loving   of agitating against Sunday Blue Laws   Rabbi Stuart Halpern (Maggid Books).
       family and high political office with all   and sectarian practices in public   Rabbi Dr. Ari Lamm is Chief Executive of Bnai
       its attendant prestige. But still, he could   schools, he stressed, we should ask our-  Zion and Founder of The Joshua Project.
       not abide one lonely Jew who failed to   selves whether or not we, in our own   Rabbi Stuart Halpern serves on the National
       show the proper obsequiousness. It is for   conduct, demonstrate sufficient care for   Board of RZA–Mizrachi. Rabbi Dr. Norman
       this reason that the Talmud compared   the spiritual values that such policies   Lamm  served as Honorary President of
       Haman to Adam (Chullin 139b).         purportedly threaten. Do we keep the   RZA–Mizrachi.

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