Page 47 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 47


            Esther, Chapter Nine

            — ט קרפ ,רתסא תליגמ —                                                       Rabbi Dov Lipman

         The Joy of Jewish Unity

            very Jew is obligated to perform   Jews together” (4:16). She understood   This is why we have two mitzvot on
            four mitzvot on Purim, and all are   the only way she could be successful in   Purim that relate to unity – sending
      Elearned from the ninth perek of       convincing Achashverosh to spare the   food to one another and a special con-
       Megillat Esther: “They were to observe   lives of the Jews was if they unite and   cern to make sure everyone has money
       them as days of feasting and glad-    rectify the flaw which led to the decree   for a Purim feast. We want to replicate
       ness, and for sending delicacies to one   in the first place.              the lesson the Jews learned during the
       another, and gifts to the poor” (9:22).
                                             Sure enough, the Jewish people       Purim story.
       1.  Feasting and gladness –  seudat   respond. According to the Gemara in   Based on this, the ideal would not be
          Purim.                             Shabbat (87a), the Jews reaccepted the   to  fulfill  the  mitzvah  of  mishloach
                                             Torah when they experienced G-d’s
       2.  Sending delicacies to one another –   salvation –  ּול ְּ ב ִ ק ְ ו  ּומְּי ִ ק. But the word   manot by sending food to a good
          mishloach manot.                                                        friend or familiar neighbor but to seek
                                             which we read as  ּול ְּ ב ִ ק, which means
       3.  Gifts to the poor –  matanot      “they accepted,” is written in the   out someone with whom you do not
          la’evyonim.                        Megillah as לבקו, “he accepted,” in the   have  a  connection  or  perhaps,  even
                                                                                  better, to someone with whom you
       The fourth mitzvah, reading the Megil-  singular. The Sfat Emet explains that   have a negative history. Purim is the
       lah, is learned from the words, “These   this בי ִ ת ְ כּו י ִ ר ְ ק, the written word in the   time to break down barriers and bring
       days should be remembered” (9:28).    singular as opposed to how we read it
                                             in the plural, comes to teach us that   more Jewish unity into our lives and
       The obligation to hear the reading of   just like the Jews were unified at Sinai   communities.
       the Megillah makes sense, since this   and camped together “as one people   This also explains a word in the song
       teaches us the Purim story. The special   with one heart” (see Rashi to Shemot   בֹק ֲ עַי תַנ ׁ ַ שֹו ׁש, which we sing after read-
       feast is also logical since we express   19:2 on the singular language used   ing the Megillah. When describing
       our thanks to G-d for saving us from   there), the Jews in the Purim story uni-
       Haman’s decree by celebrating with a   fied as one to reaccept the Torah.    the joy of the Jews upon seeing Mor-
       meal of thanks and gratitude. But why                                      dechai in royal clothing, the song adds
       are we obligated to send food to others   That  same  singular  language  is  used   the word ד ַ חַי – “together.” The joy was
                                             when the Megillah describes the Jews
       and to give charity over and above the                                     magnified because the Jews experi-
       daily obligation to help the poor? What   accepting to observe the obligations   enced it with unity.
       does this have to do with Purim?      of Purim. Right after these  mitzvot   As we look to Heaven for help in these
                                             are mentioned, the Megillah says ל ֵּ ב ִ ק ְ ו
       Let us first ask another question: why   םי ִ דּוהְּי ַ ה, “And the Jews accepted” these   challenging times, let us learn this lesson
       were the Jewish people deserving of   laws  upon  themselves, using  the  sin-  from the mitzvot taught in the ninth
       Haman’s decree to annihilate them?    gular – ל ֵּ ב ִ ק ְ ו. The Vilna Gaon says the   chapter of Megillat Esther. Most of our

       Haman himself answers this question.   singular language teaches that the Jews   struggles come because we are polar-
                                                                                  ized. Unity is the key to our salvation.
       When he speaks to Achashverosh to     were unified in accepting the holiday
       present his case for the decree to exter-  of Purim and these mitzvot.
       minate the Jewish people, he tells the   The  Sfat  Emet  explains  that  a  clear
       king the Jews are “scattered and dis-  underlying theme of Purim has emerged.   Rabbi Dov Lipman is the author of seven
       persed” (3:8). He says outright that the   The decree to annihilate the Jews came   books about Judaism and Israel. He also
       Jewish people are not unified. That was   because the Jews were polarized. They   writes for various news outlets.
       our flaw at the time. We were a polarized   learned the lesson and rectified that
       and divided nation. This is why Esther   flaw, coming together to become one    A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       instructs Mordechai, “Go bring all the   people again, thereby meriting salvation.

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