Page 43 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 43
Esther, Chapter Five
Rabbi Judah Dardik Lt. Colonel (res.) Rabbi Yedidya Atlas
— ה קרפ ,רתסא תליגמ —
The Eternal Message
hapter 5 of Megillat Esther is Taken on its own, one could not know too was a sign from Heaven that we are
a key bridge in the storyline that such a process had begun. This is in the period of atchalta deGeula, the
Cbetween chapters 4 and 6. In also true of the process of our national “Beginning of the Redemption,” and one
chapter 4, we read of Esther’s hesitancy salvation and redemption in our own should not make light of it. The Chafetz
to follow Mordechai’s instructions to times. Chaim (as quoted by his son in his book
go uninvited to the king, due to the HaChafetz Chaim, printed in 1937) also
inherent life-threatening danger should Verse 5:8 reads: “If I have found favor perceived the Balfour Declaration to be
the king not acknowledge her with his in the eyes of the king, and if it pleases “a heavenly sign regarding the forthcom-
golden scepter. At Mordechai’s behest, the king to grant my request, let the king ing redemption of Israel.”
Esther prepares to carry out her mis- and Haman come to the feast that I shall
sion. She understands the importance of prepare for them tomorrow, and I shall Therefore, reading chapter 5 is a
Achdut Yisrael (the unity of the Jewish then do as the king asks (to reveal my reminder to us all to faithfully recog-
people) to her mission’s success and asks request).” This event is the beginning of nize G-d’s great miracles transpiring all
Mordechai to convene all the Jews to fast the end for Haman and the ‘moving up around us as the Redemption gets ever
together with her for three days before a gear’ in the salvation process. By itself, closer.
she approaches the king. we cannot predict the outcome, but for
perceptive people of faith, future devel-
Chapter 5 then describes Esther coming opments can be clearly foreseen.
before the king, who stretches out his
scepter, understanding she would not At the time of the Balfour Declaration
take such a risk if it were not important. (pictured) in 1917, some rabbinic
Esther invites King Achashverosh and leaders failed to see the redemptive
Haman to feast with her. She then ducks process unfolding while others saw
Achashverosh’s request to tell him what the future with clarity. Relating to the
she wants but sets the stage for a second aforementioned verse in the Megillah,
feast the following day, also with Haman. the renowned Admor, Rav Shmuel of
Haman, filled with joy at his apparent Sochatchov, author of the seminal
further rise in stature, second only to nine-volume work Shem MiShmuel,
the king, then spots Mordechai, who gathered his leading chassidim and
doesn’t bow to him in respect. Haman’s quoted the commentary of the Ibn
joy turns to fury and he returns home Ezra on this verse: “And tomor-
to consult with his wife Zeresh and his row I shall do as the king asks” (in
advisors. Zeresh advises him to get the reference to Esther revealing her
king’s permission to immediately hang request). Rav Shmuel pointed out
Mordechai on a 50-cubit-high gallows that on the first day, Esther held
so he, Haman, can go to Queen Esther’s back because she did not yet see a
feast with the king in the proper joyous sign from Above that it was time to
state of mind. reveal herself and her request, but on Lt. Colonel (res.) Rabbi Yedidya Atlas is a
the second day, after King Achash- veteran journalist specializing in geo-polit-
Chapters 6 and 7 deal with the Haman’s verosh had ordered Haman to bestow ical and geo-strategic affairs in the Middle
downfall and execution and the Jews’ the king’s supreme honors upon Mor- East.
subsequent salvation. Thus, the events dechai, Esther’s heart was strengthened
in chapter 5 symbolize the beginning of to go ahead. The Sochatchover Rebbe A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
Am Yisrael’s escape from the evil decree. continued that the Balfour Declaration
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