Page 42 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 42


        Esther, Chapter Four

         — ד קרפ ,רתסא תליגמ —                                                        Rabbi Judah Dardik

        Joining the Jewish Journey

              pon hearing the news of the    to think one could save oneself by hiding   No particular person in history is neces-
              destructive royal decree against   from this identity.              sary for G-d’s plan; someone else could
      Uthe Jews, Mordechai sends a                                                come along and assume any role that
       personal message to Esther. “He [sent]   Mordechai’s description of how G-d   needs to be played. Mordechai’s message
       the text of the law that had been pro-  guides history casts these sorts of deci-  to Esther is she should remember it is
       claimed… for their destruction... [to]   sions in an unexpected light.  There is a   not her royal position that best assures
       show it to Esther… and charge her to   classic debate among the great medieval   her safety in the long-run, but rather
       go to the king and to appeal to him and   thinkers regarding how involved G-d is   her participation and membership in
       to plead with him for her people” (4:8).     in the lives of most individuals. Some  the eternal nation.
       Esther demurs, citing the very real risk   maintain that G-d’s hashgachah (Divine
       to her life if she dares to approach the   providence) appears in even the more   On the day-to-day level, the theological
       king uninvited. “All the… people of the   minor details of all of our daily lives and   issue of the extent to which G-d inter-
       king’s provinces know that if any person,   events. Others contend that the lives of   venes in our lives remains in question.
                                                                                  But the message in this chapter, at the
                                             most people are governed by the laws
       man or woman, enters the king’s pres-
       ence in the inner court without having   of nature and normal cause and effect,   heart of the story of Esther, is one that
                                             with the exception of the particularly
       been summoned, there is but one law   righteous. However, even those in the   looks to the bigger picture. We tend to
                                                                                  think our role in tefillah is to daven for
       for him—that he be put to death” (4:11).
                                             latter camp agree that G-d intervenes in   G-d to save the Jews, when perhaps in
       It is at this moment that Mordechai   matters that affect the fate of Am Yisrael   truth it is through our davening that we
       speaks some of the most concurrently   as a whole. Even if it were possible to   include ourselves in the Jewish people,
       chilling and uplifting words ever spoken   escape one’s identity, denying it would   who will ultimately be saved.
       in Tanach: “Do not imagine that you,   leave us on the sidelines of the forward
       of all the Jews, will escape with your   march into a better future.
       life by being in the king’s palace. On
       the contrary, if you keep silent in this   Esther looks at the situation and makes   1   Chovot HaLevavot 3 (introduction), 4:3, 4:4,
       crisis, relief and deliverance will come   the sensible initial decision. If she goes   8:3 (19th reason) and elsewhere, one reading
       to the Jews from elsewhere, while you   to Achashverosh of her own accord, she   of Ramban Shemot 13:16, etc.
       and your father’s house will perish. And   will likely be killed. That is the rule. But   2   Notably the Rambam in Moreh Nevuchim
       who knows, perhaps you have attained   Mordechai directs her attention away
       to royal position for just such a crisis”   from the decrees of this earthly Persian
                                             king, and towards the rules of the King
       (4:13-14). Esther takes Mordechai’s
       charge to heart, agrees to approach   of the Universe. G-d made a covenant
                                             with our earliest ancestors and prom-
       Achashverosh, and her actions save the   ised that Am Yisrael will always survive
       lives of countless Jews in the kingdom.
                                             even the most difficult times. The Jewish
       I shiver every time I read Mordechai’s   people have a role to play in the world
       words. To be a Jew is to be a part of the   and in history, and will live to see our
       greatest and longest running story in   mission to its successful conclusion.
       history. We have deep roots in the past,   That long term destiny is guaranteed.
       have been through and accomplished an   What is not guaranteed is the fate of the   Rabbi Judah Dardik is Assistant Dean of
       extraordinary amount, and have always   individual.                        Yeshivat Orayta.
       carried a long-term vision towards the
       future. But the going has frequently been   The Jewish people will survive, even   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       tough, and it is understandably tempting   thrive. But what of the individual Jew?

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