Page 40 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 40


        Esther, Chapter Three

         — ג קרפ ,רתסא תליגמ —                                                               Yael Leibowitz

                What’s in a Name?

             he holiday of Purim has a some-  casting, and how it was understood in   will be doled out by G-d at the end of
             what surprising etymology. Its   the ancient world, reveals the profound   time (Yishayahu 34:17).
      Tname derives from a minor epi-        theological message embedded in the
       sode in chapter 3 of the Megillah that,   name.                            G-d  does  not  appear  explicitly  in
       if the holiday were not named after                                        Megillat Esther, and the events it tells of
       it, many of us probably wouldn’t even   Today, when we talk about casting lots,   are devoid of overt miracles.  However,
       remember:                             or the rolling of dice, we are essentially   the author of the Megillah urges his
                                             speaking about random odds, and      readers to look for G-d even when
       “In the first month... ‘the lot’ was cast   about leaving things up to chance.   there are no internal guarantees of His
       before Haman concerning every day and                                      intervention. He does so by including
       every month, [until it fell on] the twelfth   “”  Today, when we           serendipitous occurrences and perfectly
       month, that is, the month of Adar” (3:7).       talk about casting         ironic reversals throughout the Megillah,

       Later in the Megillah, the topic of lots        lots, or the rolling       the cumulative effect of which makes us
       is mentioned again as the source for the        of dice, we are            hyper-aware of the likelihood of Divine
       holiday’s name.                                                            intervention.
                                                       essentially speaking
       “Haman son of Hammedatha the                    about random odds,         The irony of Haman’s impalement
       Aggagit, the foe of all the Jews, had                                      during the very month that “was chosen”
       plotted to destroy the Jews, had cast           and about leaving          for his plan, would not have escaped the
       a pur – that is, the lot, with the intent       things up to chance        attention of ancient Jewish readers. At
       to crush and exterminate them. But                                         the very least, it would have given them
       when [Esther] came before the king, he                                     pause to reflect on whether, perhaps,
       commanded, ‘With the promulgation     In the ancient world however, it was   G-d was working behind the scenes the
       of this decree, let the evil plot, which   believed that Divine will was manifest   entire time. Like those ancient readers,
       he devised against the Jews recoil on his   in the process, and as such, lot casting   we experience the Megillah the way
       own head!’ So they impaled him and his   was used to select one possibility from   one stares at a perfectly drawn optical
       sons on the stake. For that reason these   a variety of others. This practice was   illusion. We look for what we think we
       days were named Purim, after the pur.”  common  throughout  the  near  east,   see, or perhaps what we want to see, but
                                             and in the Tanach as well, we see    we are never convinced that what we
       The holiday of Purim celebrates a     G-d communicating His preference     are seeing is the only reality. That very
       chain of events that led to the salvation   through lots. Most famously, lots were   experience, intentionally cultivated by
       of the Jewish people. How interesting   used to decide which male goat would   the author, remains the challenge, and
       then, that the author of the Megillah   be sacrificed and which would go to   the joy of Jewish history. As such, the
       didn’t choose to name the holiday     Azazel on Yom Kippur. Along similar   holiday is named for everything Haman’s
       after the brave deeds of its heroes, or   lines, we know that much of the Land of   pur encompasses.
       even after one of the more significant,   Israel was divided among the tribes by
       climactic events of the story, but rather   a lottery system. In Yehoshua, lots were
       the relatively small act of lot casting   used to identify Achan, the man who   Yael Leibowitz has taught Continuing
       performed by the villain of the story.   had violated a serious post-war taboo,   Education courses and served as Resident
       In the Second Book  of  Maccabees,    and in Samuel I, lots were used to select   Scholar in New York. She is currently
                                                                                  teaching as she continues her studies at
       for example, the day is referred to as   Saul, Israel’s first king. Other Biblical   Bar-Ilan University.
       “Mordechai’s Day,” which at first blush,   examples abound, and Yishayahu
       seems to make a lot more sense than   HaNavi refers to lot casting when he      A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       “Purim.” However, a close look at lot   envisions how reward and punishment

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