Page 51 - HaMizrachi #27 Purim USA 2021
P. 51
Rabbi Ari Enkin
Purim on a Friday
his year we find ourselves observ- afternoon, after completing all the Shab- fact, there are many authorities who
ing Purim on Friday, and there is bat preparations. Then, shortly before don’t even consider the poress mappa
Tmuch discussion as to when one sunset, one covers all the bread on method an acceptable option at all. 14
should hold the Purim Feast. the table, and recites Kiddush, thereby Furthermore, according to the Arizal,
As a general rule, one is not permitted inaugurating Shabbat. After reciting one should never recite Kiddush before
to eat a large meal on Fridays. This is to Kiddush, one simply continues with having recited Ma’ariv. There are also
ensure that one has a hearty appetite for the seudah, which has now become the those who explain that the poress mappa
the Shabbat evening meal. Shabbat evening meal. One must be method was only intended to be used in
sure to eat at least an ounce of bread the event that one’s Purim seudah unex-
Although the Shulchan Aruch is mys- after the recitation of Kiddush just as pectedly extended into Shabbat, but not
teriously silent regarding the timing of is required at every Shabbat evening that one should intentionally do so.
the Purim seudah, the Rema rules that meal. The blessing upon wine is not
when Purim falls on a Friday, the Purim recited during Kiddush if it was pre-
meal is to be held in the morning, to viously recited during the earlier part 1 Rema, OC 695:2.
ensure one has an appetite for the Friday of the meal. So too, the blessing upon 2 Mishna Berura 695:9,10, Mishna Berura 249:13,
night meal. Most contemporary author- bread is not recited after Kiddush since Aruch HaShulchan, OC 249:7, Shemirat Shab-
ities seem to concur with the Rema. one is already in the middle of a meal. bat KeHilchata 42:27, Yechave Da’at 3:55.
As such, it seems one should hold the There is some discussion whether two 3 Aruch HaShulchan, OC 249:7. See also
Friday Purim seudah early in the day, whole loaves are required at this Shabbat Berachot 11a,16a,19a, Pesachim 55a, Sukkah
preferably before noon. However, once meal. When reciting birkat hamazon at 4 OC 249:2, Magen Avraham 249:4, Aruch
one has begun the seudah in the per- the conclusion of this Purim/Shabbat HaShulchan, OC 249:7.
missible “time zone,” one is permitted meal, one includes both retzei as well as 5 See Piskei Teshuvot 695:6.
to extend the seudah for the entire day. al haNissim in their designated places. 6 According to some authorities, all “Mezonot”
Indeed, those who conduct themselves Some authorities, however, rule that foods should be covered as well. Shemirat Shab-
in this manner are completely entitled one should only recite retzei in its des- bat KeHilchata 47:n125.
to do so, even though they will likely ignated place while al haNissim should 7 Minhagei Eretz Yisrael (Gellis) 35:18.
have no appetite for the Shabbat meal. 3 be recited as a supplement to the haRa- 8 See Purim Meshulash (Deblitzki) and HaElef
chaman section of birkat haMazon. 10 Lecha Shlomo 1:113.
Nevertheless, even those who find them- 9 Chazon Ovadiah p.183. See Piskei Teshuvot
selves at a large meal on a Friday, such Nevertheless, a number of authorities 695:6 footnote 36.
as at a brit, should make an effort not oppose the poress mappa approach 10 Mishna Berura 695:15,16.
to overeat, to ensure an appetite for the based on the halachic prohibition of 11 Pesachim 102b, Sota 8a.
Shabbat meal. One who for whatever “not bundling mitzvot together.” This is 12 Taz, OC 271:4, Magen Avraham 271:5, Mishna
reason is unable to begin one’s Purim because the poress mappa method gives Berura 271:11.
seudah early in the day should endeavor the problematic appearance that one is 13 Be’er Heitev, OC 695:6, Piskei Teshuvot 695:6
to eat less at the seudah, especially the discharging both the Shabbat seudah footnote 31.
amount of bread, to leave room for the and the Purim seudah with a single meal. 14 Nitei Gavriel, among others. See also Devar
Chevron 2:646.
Shabbat meal. 5 There are additional logistical and hala- 15 Kaf HaChaim, OC 271:22.
There is, however, an alternative chic complications to the poress mappa
approach to the timing of the Purim method, such as when one should recite Rabbi Ari Enkin is a researcher of and
writer on contemporary halachic issues. He
seudah, known as poress mappa. This Kabbalat Shabbat and Ma’ariv. teaches halacha one-on-one online. He is
is when one combines the Purim seudah It seems the poress mappa method is also the author of the nine-volume “Dalet
and the Shabbat evening meal. One essentially a minority opinion on when Amot of Halacha” series and Rabbinic Direc-
begins the Purim seudah late Friday to hold a Friday Purim seudah. In tor of United with Israel.
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