Page 14 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 14

Rabbi Shmuel Mohilever ל”צז                                                                     (PHOTO: WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

                   Commemorating the 125th Yahrzeit of the

                      Forefather of the Mizrachi Movement

                                                 Rabbi Elie Mischel

                     hen Rabbi Shmuel Mohi-  Mohilever was soon recognized as a child   work for the resettlement of Eretz Yisrael.
                     lever passed away 125   prodigy and brilliant young Torah scholar.   Inspired by Rav Zvi Hirsch Kalischer’s
                     years ago on the 19th of   He married at fifteen and studied at the   groundbreaking Religious Zionist work,
        WSivan, 1898, he left the           famed Volozhin Yeshiva, where he was   Derishat Zion (1862), Rav Mohilever began
        world with the satisfaction of  know-  later ordained at the age of eighteen.  writing for the Hebrew-language weekly
        ing that his life’s work had not been in                                HaMagid. Like Rav Kalischer, Rav Mohi-
        vain. Among the founders of the Chibbat   Initially, Rav Mohilever refused to prac-  lever discerned Hashem’s hand in his
        Zion movement and one of the spiritual   tice as a rabbi, working as a flax mer-  generation, sensing that the world was
        fathers of Religious Zionism, Rav Mohi-  chant for five years. But the death of his   experiencing the early stirrings of the
        lever planted the seeds that would later   wealthy in-laws and business reversals   Messianic era.
                                            compelled him to enter the rabbinate in
        flower and become the Mizrachi move-  his home village. In the decades to follow,   In early 1881, shortly before he was
        ment founded by Rabbi Yitzchak Ya’akov   Rav Mohilever would serve as the rabbi   elected as the rabbi in Bialystok, horrific
                                            of ever larger Jewish communities. In   pogroms in Kiev and other cities through-
        Born in 1824 in Glubokoye, a village in   1868, he moved to Radom, in modern-day   out Imperial Russia pushed Rav Mohile-
        northern Belarus not far from Vilna, Rav   Poland, where he first began to actively   ver and other early Zionists to act. When

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