Page 17 - HaMizrachi Shavuot 5783 USA
P. 17

speaking, a very wealthy and religious member of the   The people present were shocked, and asked the shochet:
               community stood up and began to attack the Yishuv “in   ‘If you were willing to return the money to the boy, why
               the name of Torah and mitzvot.” When he finished, Rav   did you also take an oath? And if you were willing to swear
               Shmuel stood up and said: “I will tell you all a story.”  that you didn’t take the money, why did you give him the
                                                              25 rubles?’ The shochet explained: ‘If I had given him the
               “A young man from a different city was learning in a   money and not taken an oath, you would have said that
               yeshiva in a small town. His father would periodically   I stole the money from the boy, but now I was scared of
               send him money to pay for his expenses, which the father   making a false oath and so I returned the money to him.
               would send to the local shochet’s address for safekeeping
               to ensure the money would reach his son. One time, the   And if I had only taken an oath and not given money to
                                                              the boy, you would have suspected me in your hearts of
               young man received a letter from his father, who wrote   swearing falsely for the sake of 25 rubles. But now that
               that he had sent 25 rubles to pay for his expenses. The   I have given the boy this money and also taken an oath,
               young man was surprised, because he had never received   you must all admit that I have sworn truthfully and there
               the money! He quickly ran to the shochet to ask him why,
               but the shochet claimed he had never received the money.   is no reason to suspect me of any wrongdoing!’”
               When the young man received another letter from his   Rav Shmuel turned to the wealthy man and said: “If you
               father saying that he had sent the money to the shochet,   want me to believe that your opposition to the Yishuv
               he went to the local rabbi and brought the shochet to a din   “for the sake of Torah and mitzvot” stems from a truly
               Torah, a dispute in front of the local rabbinic court. After   pure heart, first give money to support the settling of
               hearing both sides of the case, the rabbi ruled that the   the Land and then make your claims against the Yishuv.
               shochet would have to take an oath that he did not steal   Otherwise, I have complete permission to say that all
               the money, and then he would be free from any obligation   your claims against the Yishuv “for the sake of Torah and
               to the young man. At this point, the shochet took 25 rubles   mitzvot” derive solely from your desire to be freed of your
               from his pocket and placed them in front of the rabbi to   financial obligation to support it!
               give to the young man, and then stood up and swore that
               he had never received the 25 rubles from the man’s father.

                                                       SCHOOLS DEPARTMENT
               Congratulations to the Winning Schools of the

                    International Pesach Kahoot Competition!

                 We are pleased to announce the winners of the International Pesach Kahoot Competition,
                    which saw participation from over 2,000 students from schools all around the world.

                       $1,000 Grand Prize: TTH Barilan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

                                                            Pizza and ice cream prize winners:
                                              BJCF Primary School, Manchester, UK  •  Akiba-Schechter, Chicago, IL
                                                  Yeshivat Noam, Paramus, NJ  •  Ohr Avner, Zhytomyr, Ukraine

                                              We would like to express our gratitude to all the participating schools who took
                                             part in this competition. We hope this competition will connect and bring unity to
                                                               Jewish schools from all over the world.

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