Page 19 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
P. 19
Dr. Daniel Rose
The Challenge of the
Religious Zionist Educator
or Rabbi Sacks, effecting change destiny of Judaism is to be lived in the sciences and the arts: “Chochma is what
in the world always began with Land of Israel. allows us to understand the world as
Feducation. There were a number For Rabbi Sacks, this national destiny, G-d’s work (science) and the human
of core values found in Rabbi Sacks’ fulfilled in the Land of Israel by the person as his image (the humanities).” 3
thought that must be placed at the core And we must allow room for the ‘other’
of our Religious Zionist educational creation of a model society, but also as in our classrooms. This, for Rabbi Sacks,
institutions. individuals wherever they may be, is to is the essence of the message of Juda-
embrace the “radical responsibility” to
Israel is central to the teachings of Rabbi Heal a Fractured World (this is tikkun ism, and the core value at the heart of
Sacks. He often expressed his deep pride olam, repairing the world). Thus, the the Jewish national mission: “G-d, the
in Israel’s history and achievements and Judaism taught in our schools and expe- creator of humanity, having made a
found them to be a source of immense rienced at our camps must be framed in covenant with all humanity, then turns
inspiration. For Rabbi Sacks, Jewish his- this way, in both theoretical/philosoph- to one people and commands it to be
tory was a source of faith in G-d, and ical terms, and in normative practical different in order to teach humanity the
no period more so than the story of the behavior. dignity of difference.”
creation of the modern State of Israel: In summation, if a Religious Zionist
“It is difficult to reflect deeply on the education is to reflect the thought and
rebirth of Israel without sensing the “” For Rabbi Sacks,
touch of heaven in the minds of men Jewish history was a values of Rabbi Sacks, it must be out-
and women, leading them to play their ward looking, engaged with the world,
parts in a drama so much greater than source of faith in G-d, show compassion to the other and allow
any individual could have executed, and no period more room for their narratives. It must pres-
even conceived.” He would argue, I so than the story of ent a Judaism concerned with redeeming
believe, that we must invest in teaching the world, and provide practical skills
Jewish history, and that as a discipline, the creation of the and opportunities to fulfill this. And of
it belongs on the kodesh side of the cur- modern State of Israel course it must have Israel at its core,
riculum of the Jewish day school. seeing it as the platform from which to
actualize and fulfill the Jewish national
But Israel plays a more significant role in Jewish education should have a practical mission.
his philosophy. In fact, it is central in his social activism component. It must not
understanding of the national mission remain theoretical, remaining in books,
of the Jewish people. Israel is the place classrooms, conversation or thought. It 1 The Jonathan Sacks Haggada, p. 53.
where Jews are summoned to create a must leave the doors of the Beit Midrash
society of justice and compassion under and blaze a trail of healing in the world. 2 Future Tense, p. 135.
the sovereignty of G-d: “Judaism is the 3 Ibid. p. 222.
constitution of a self-governing nation, Finally, a Religious Zionist education 4 The Dignity of Difference, p. 53.
the architectonics of a society dedicated must be brave and bold enough to be
to the service of G-d in freedom and dig- open, and willing not only to spend
nity. Without a land and state, Judaism is time outside of the Beit Midrash physi-
a shadow of itself.” This must be clearly cally but intellectually and emotionally Dr. Daniel Rose is the educational consult-
articulated in a Religious Zionist cur- also. We must expose our students to ant and content developer for the Rabbi
riculum. The ultimate expression and the beauty and holiness found in the Sacks Legacy Trust.
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