Page 21 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
P. 21


                                                                              Rabbi Hershel Schachter

                         Permission to Celebrate

             he Gemara (Sanhedrin 20b) cites   days listed all revolved about protecting   a Navi or ruach haKodesh, but only
             a Beraita that describes a series   or fortifying the Beit HaMikdash, the   that the event be one that possesses
      Tof three mitzvot which must be        avodah therein, or its institutions, such   a reasonable probability of bringing a
       accomplished in a specific sequence.   as the Sanhedrin and the Kehuna. These   future geula.
       First, a  Jewish government  must be   days of Yom Tov could be established   We may add that the Purim miracle
       established in Eretz Yisrael, which then   without being considered a violation   did, in the end, enable the building of
       organizes a Jewish army. Then, that   of bal tosif because they are subsumed   the Second Beit HaMikdash. From a
       army must wage war against Amalek     under the  mitzvah  the  Ramban      political perspective, the Persian King,
       and eradicate it. After completion of the   discussed – to celebrate the building of   Daryavesh (Darius, son of Esther and
       first two introductory steps in the Geula   the Beit HaMikdash.            Achashverosh), granted permission
       process, labeled atchalta deGeula, there   The Netivot, in his commentary to   to continue the building of the  Beit
       is a mitzvah to build a Beit HaMikdash   Megillat Esther  (Megillat Setarim   HaMikdash. Moreover, from a religious
       and offer korbanot, which is synony-  9:19), wonders how the Chachamim     perspective, the renewed acceptance
       mous with Geula itself.
                                             were justified in adding the Yom Tov   of Torah SheBe’al Peh engendered by
       Commenting on the passuk, תֹ ו ְ צ ִּ מ ַ ה ה ֶּ ל ֵ א   of Purim, since, according to Talmudic   the Purim miracle was a necessary
       – “These are the commandments” (Vay-  tradition, the miracle of Purim occurred   prerequisite for Ezra’s entry into Eretz
       ikra 27:34), Chazal derive the principle,   prior to the Second Beit HaMikdash   Yisrael and the geula, the building of
       ה ָּ ת ַ ע ֵ מ ר ָ ב ָ ּ ד  ׁש ֵ ּ ד ַ ח ְ ל יא ַ ׁ ּ ש ַ ר אי ִ בָנ ןי ֵ א – “a Navi   period. It must be, the Netivot explains,   the Second Beit HaMikdash (Sfat Emet,
       is not permitted to introduce anything   that the Chachamim felt that the miracle   Purim 5638).
       new from now on” (Megillah 2b). This   of Purim would in some way serve as
       prohibition includes the establishment   an  atchalta  deGeula, leading  to  the   Thus, in addition to the Yamim Tovim
                                                                                  that appear in the Torah, we are able
       and observance of additional rabbinic   building of the Second Beit HaMikdash.
       Yamim Tovim if they are meant to be   He suggests (as does the  Sfat Emet,   to institute additional Yamim Tovim
                                                                                  that conform to the above-mentioned
       celebrated by all Jews all over the world.   Purim 5643) that they may have felt
       Such a practice would be a violation of   this way because the destruction of   rules and regulations of Megillat Ta’anit.
                                                                                  An event labeled as atchalta deGeula
       bal tosif, adding on to the mitzvot of   the descendants of Amalek, the stage   would fit within those rules because
       the Torah.  The only exception to this   immediately prior to the building of
       rule seems to be a Yom Tov related to   the Beit HaMikdash, was accomplished   such an event is related to the future
                                                                                  building of the Beit HaMikdash. If the
       geula, defined as hashra’at haShechina   through the execution of Haman and
       in the Beit HaMikdash. This is based   his sons.                           event signifies one of the steps in the
                                                                                  three-step process that will lead to the
       on the idea the Ramban develops in his   It is interesting that the Netivot assumes
       commentary to the Torah (Bamidbar     it was permissible for the Rabbanim to   building of the Beit HaMikdash, it may
                                                                                  be celebrated as an atchalta deGeula.
       7:13-17) and in his Hasagot to Sefer   establish a Yom Tov merely because
       HaMitzvot (shoresh shlishi, s.v. aval),   they thought it represented an atchalta
       that there is a mitzvah to celebrate the   deGeula, even though their conclusion   1   See Pri Chadash, Orach Chaim 496:14, Yoreh
       building of a Beit HaMikdash.                                                  De’ah 233 and Orach Chaim 191.
                                             was not reached through  ruach
       The Gemara (Rosh Hashanah  18b-       haKodesh. Indeed, the Netivot argues
       19b) discusses Megillat Ta’anit, a scroll   that at a later time, the  Rabbanim   Rabbi Hershel Schachter is Rosh Yeshiva
       that lists many Yom Tov days added    revised their original assessment,   and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac Elchanan
                                                                                  Theological Seminary of Yeshiva University.
       by the  Chachamim  of the Second      concluding it was erroneous. We see
       Beit HaMikdash  period, on which      that the determination of whether a
       fasting, and on some, eulogizing, were   historical event is to be judged as an   A member of the Mizrachi Speakers Bureau
       prohibited. The Gemara explains that the   atchalta deGeula  does not require

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