Page 47 - HaMizrachi #29 Yom HaAtzmaut 2021 USA
P. 47

him. To Menachem, it seemed like eter-  The man began to retreat, then ran
       nity; he felt as if he were running and   toward the other soldiers, trying to
       running, but not getting there.       distract Gal. Suddenly, another Arab
                                             jumped Gal with a knife from behind
       When he finally reached the building,
       he heard his name. “Menachem! Over    and the first guy came back to grab Gal’s
       here!”                                hand.
                                             Gal managed to shake both men off, but
       Menachem found the wounded soldier,
       assessed the situation, and realized his   not before the knife had cut his throat.
       hands were already doing what they    Gal knew he had to stop them before
       should. He helped evacuate the soldier   they got lost in the crowd.
       and was soon running back to care for   He shot four bullets in their direction,
       the others.
                                             managing to hit them both.
                                             Dripping with blood, he staggered to the
                                             jeep, collapsing on the floor as another
                                             soldier rushed to stop the blood.
                                             Thanks to Gal’s ability to stay  calm   Suddenly, the Egyptians fired shots
                                             and act coolly, the two terrorists were   to  prevent the Israeli  soldiers  from
       Keeping Calm                          arrested and the interrogators exposed a   approaching the fence.
       March 8th, 2012.                      slew of previously unknown terror plots.   The Israelis retorted with warning shots,
       The Kfir Brigade’s Lavi Battalion     In saving his own life, Gal had saved the   but to no avail.
       received an order to make an arrest in   lives of many others. “Maybe,” he says,   Or ordered one of his soldiers to launch
       the hostile Arab village of Yata in the   “But I don’t think I did anything out of   a flare into the sky so the team could
       South Hebron Hills.                   the ordinary.”
                                                                                  see the Egyptians. Instead of scaring the
       Usually, when there’s an arrest, it takes                                  Egyptians away though, the enemy could
       place at night, and the team receives                                      now see the Israelis and began to shoot
       aerial photos or information the day                                       directly at them.
       before, so they can plan ahead. This time
       though, it needed to be immediate and                                      A boulder exploded near Or’s head,
       during the day.                                                            stunning him momentarily. But he knew
                                             Protecting the Border                he had to stop them before they infil-
       While the operational team arrested                                        trated Israel.
       the suspect inside the building, the   March 3rd, 2020.
       14-strong assisting team, including sol-  Sergeant Or Ben-Naim was on a stan-  Crawling back to his jeep, Or contacted
       dier Gal Weingarden, stood guard out-  dard night patrol on the Israeli-Egyp-  observation control, who focused their
       side, keeping a safe distance between the   tian border. Yet unlike his normal shifts,   cameras on the area. Serving as Or’s
       building and a mob of about 500 angry   today he had orders to focus on a spe-  eyes, they told him exactly where the
       Palestinians who had rapidly gathered   cific area. The lookouts had picked up a   intruders were, so he and his team could
       outside, flinging rocks, Molotov cock-  suspicious vehicle on the Egyptian side.   fire with accuracy. Thanks to Or’s deter-
       tails, iron bars and anything that came   Or spotted the vehicle. It was heading   mination and bravery, and with the sup-
       to hand at the IDF soldiers.                                               port of his team and the control room,
                                             to the border fence.
       Suddenly, one of the villagers began   He and his soldiers lay in position behind   they were able to kill three Egyptians
       walking towards Gal.                  an embankment as they saw a number of   and scare away the rest of them.
       Gal ordered him to stop and go back.   armed men leaving the vehicle carrying   If they hadn’t, the consequences could
       This was a closed military zone.      bags and ladders to cross the fence.   have been fatal. n

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