Page 36 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 36

the aseret                                                                 Rabbi David Milston
        hadibrot                                         T WO
                                                  ך ְ ל הֶי ְ הִי אלֹ

                      Connecting Heaven and Earth

                ou shall have no other gods   make this covenant and this oath; but   for “Real Judaism.” This does not
                before Me, you shall not    with him that stands here with us this   mean detaching  kodesh from  chol,
      “Ymake for yourself a graven          day before the L-rd our G-d, and also   it actually requires bringing  kodesh
       image,  nor any  manner  of  likeness,   with him that is not here with us this   into chol. We need to be part of this
       of anything that is in heaven above,   day” (Devarim 29:13-14).           world, but we need to do so through
       or that is in the Earth beneath, or                                       the ways of the Torah. In an ideal sce-
       that  is  in  the  water  under  the  earth.   “But what enters your mind shall not   nario there is no kodesh and chol; one
       You shall not bow down to them, nor   come about, what you say, ‘Let us be   who is driven by their belief in G-d
       serve them…”                         like the nations, like the families of   will perform everything in a Jewish
                                            the lands, to serve wood and stone.’   way,  mitzvot  and mundane matters
       As we know, the very first  dibur of   As I live, says the L-rd G-d, surely   alike.
       the  Aseret  HaDibrot  declares that  “I   with a strong hand and with an out-
       am the L-rd your G-d.” Having estab-  stretched arm and with poured out   With this in mind, let us return to
       lished  that, it  seems  superfluous  to   fury, will I reign over you And I shall   our initial question. The first Com-
       elaborate. If we truly believe in G-d,   take you out of the peoples, and I shall   mandment declares that the L-rd G-d
       why would we contemplate other       gather you from the lands in which   brought us out of Egypt. The second
       gods?                                you were scattered, with a strong    Commandment is there to elaborate
                                            hand and with an outstretched arm    – to explain how we must transform
       Towards the end of Sefer Yehoshua,                                        that  belief  into  reality  through  true
       the retiring leader seems to be giving   and with poured out fury” (Yechezkel   commitment. There can be no other
       the nation a choice. Extraordinarily,   20:32-34).                        gods, for nothing can take precedence
       Yehoshua appears to be offering them   Both the above are unequivo-       over our religious beliefs. If we are to
       a ‘way out’ of their covenant with G-d:   cal in stressing the eternal cove-  live  our  Judaism  to  the  full,  we  will
       “And now fear the L-rd, and serve    nant between  Am Yisrael and the     need  to  internalize that  we cannot
       Him in sincerity and in truth; and   Almighty. So how are we to under-    live in two worlds simultaneously.
       remove the gods which your fathers   stand  the  words  of  Yehoshua  to  the
       served on the other side of the river   masses?                           This message is underlined somewhat
       and in Egypt, and serve the L-rd. And                                     by the words that follow, beautifully
       if it displeases you to serve the L-rd,   Both Malbim and Alshich suggest   explained by my rabbi and mentor,
       choose this day whom you will serve,   that indeed Yehoshua was not offering   Rabbi Yitzchak Bernstein z”l:  ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א
       whether the gods that your fathers   the  nation  a  ‘way  out.’  Our  covenant   ל ַ ע ַּ מ ִ מ םִי ַ מ ׁ ָּ ש ַּ ב  –  in  Heaven  above  –  in
       served on the other side of the river,   with the Almighty is unquestionably   matters of Heaven, aspire, dream,
       or the gods of the Amorites, in whose   eternal.                          never be content. ת ַ ח ַָּ ת ִ מ ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב ר ׁ ֶ ש ֲ א – in
       land you dwell, but as for me and my                                      the Earth beneath, in matters of this
       household,  we  shall  serve  the  L-rd.”   What disturbed Yehoshua was the   world, be content with what you have,
       (Yehoshua 24:14-15)                  popular notion that one can live in   do what you need to do, in order to to
                                            two worlds simultaneously. He pleads   reach the Heaven above.
       Yehoshua himself clearly states what   for truth and sincerity while implying
       he intends to do, but the people must   that the people at the time, despite   This is our mandate to live Jewish life
       apparently decide for themselves.    publicly declaring allegiance to G-d,   to the full.
                                            still worshipped idols privately.
       Yehoshua’s words are particularly
       challenging in light of verses to the   In his final words to the nation,   Rabbi David Milston  is Director of
       contrary: “Neither with you only do I   Yehoshua  is emphasizing the need   Overseas Programs at Midreshet HaRova

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