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P. 38

םהרבא םולש תב דבכוי הליג תמשנ יוליעל

        the aseret                                                                Rabbi Shalom Hammer
        hadibrot                                        FOUR

                                     ֹו ׁשּ ְ ד ַ ק ְ ל ת ָּ ב ׁ ּ ש ַ ה םֹוי ת ֶ א רֹוכ ָ ז
                  Transcending Physical Restriction

            y  observing  the  Shabbat  as  a   its letters can be rearranged so that   This reward for observing Shabbat
            day  of  rest,  the  Jew  testifies  to   it becomes either  “Ei Shabbat” or   with happiness and receiving “a por-
      BG-d’s creation of the world. The     “Oy Shabbat,” meaning either “Shab-  tion with no boundaries” correlates
       Talmud attests to the great reward   bat should not exist” or “woe for the   to  Eretz Yisrael, a Land that is also
       that will come to those who observe   Shabbat.”  The  generation  of  Enosh   described as “the portion with no
       the Shabbat: 1                       believed that Shabbat, as controlled   boundaries.” The Land of Israel has
                                            by the angel Shabbtai, involved pain   been called “the land of the deer
       Rabbi Yochanan said in the name of   and sorrow; Shabbat observance had   (skin)” because despite its small size,
       Rabbi Yossi, ‘Anyone who delights in   nothing to do with joy and rapture.   it miraculously expands like a deer-
       the Shabbat is given a portion with no                                    skin, which is elastic, and can hold
       boundaries as it says, ‘then you will   In response, the Rabbis instructed   as many Jews as necessary. Also, the
       delight in G-d, and I will mount you   Bnei  Yisrael  to  delight  in  the  Shab-  Torah was given to  Bnei Yisrael at
       astride  the  heights  of  the  world.’ …   bat, and be happy in the observance   Mount Sinai on a Shabbat, and after
       Rabbi Chiya Bar Abba said that Rabbi   of this holy day. By doing so, the Jews   Bnei Yisrael accepted the Torah and
       Yochanan said, ‘Anyone who observes   would show their appreciation of G-d,   agreed to observe Shabbat, they were
       Shabbat in accordance with its laws   who created the world and continues   privileged to receive  Eretz Yisrael as
       will be forgiven for his sins even if he   to govern it, and thwart the beliefs of   well.
       worshipped idols like the generation   those who maintained that Shabbtai
       of Enosh as it says, ‘Praiseworthy is   or any other god or power rules the   While it is difficult to make sense of
       the man who does this and the person   world and determines the nature of   the strange circumstances we have all
       who grasps it tightly, who guards the   the Shabbat. The Talmud also affirms   dealt  with over the last  few months,
       Shabbat against desecrating it.’  Don’t   that keeping the Shabbat is tanta-  we should never lose sight of the fact
       read  mechalelo, ‘desecrating,’ but   mount to observing the whole Torah.   that we are privileged to be a nation
       rather machul- lo, ‘he is forgiven.’”  So even if one worshipped idols like   who has been graced with the three
                                            the generation of Enosh, by keeping   Divine gifts of Shabbat, Torah and
       This passage raises several questions.   the Shabbat “in accordance with its   Eretz Yisrael, all of which allow us
       Why  does  the  Talmud  specifically   laws,” he can demonstrate his rejec-  to transcend to spiritual heights and
       mention the generation of Enosh?     tion of that doctrine and be forgiven.   enjoy  a  “portion  with  no boundar-
       Why is delighting in the Shabbat so                                       ies” even while being physically con-
       important? Why is the reward of a    Why are Bnei Yisrael awarded “a por-  stricted in isolation.
       “portion with no boundaries” prom-   tion with no boundaries” for Shabbat
       ised for observing the Shabbat?      observance? The promise of such
                                            reward is great, but it is also vague.   1   Shabbat 118a, b.
       The people of Enosh’s generation wor-  Rabbi Yehonatan Eybeshitz, the great
       shipped  idols  because  they  believed   leader of the German communities   2   Yeshayahu 58:14.
                                                                                     Ibid 56:2.
       that G-d had created the world and   in Wandsbek Altona and Hamburg       4   Daniel 11:41.
       then  left  it  in  the  care  of  other  gods   in the 18th century, explains that   5   Gittin 57a.
       and supernatural forces. However,    had G-d revealed the specific reward   6   Shabbat 86b.
       they still kept Shabbat as a commem-  for Shabbat observance, the nations
       oration of G-d’s creation of the world   might have suspected  Bnei Yisrael
       in six days and His resting on the sev-  of observing the Shabbat in order to   Adapted from Rabbi Hammer’s book  Derash
       enth. According to the Zohar, they   gain the reward. For this reason, the   Yehonatan.
       believed that an angel called Shabbtai   Talmud  declares  that  the  Torah  did   Rabbi Shalom Hammer serves as a senior
       had been granted dominion over the   not reveal the exact reward for Shab-  lecturer for the IDF's Jewish Identity
       world. The name Shabbtai is closely   bat observance to the nations of the   Branch, and is the founder of Makom
       linked to the word Shabbat. However,   world.                             Meshutaf

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