Page 37 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 37

Rabbi David Milston                                                                  Rabbi Yitzchak Blau

                                                     אׂ ּ ש ִ ת אלֹ
             The Severity of Vain and False Oaths

             he prominence of many of       Commandment. What makes these        Secondly, Ibn Ezra notes the foolish-
             the  dibrot in our tradition,   sins so problematic?                ness of this crime. The adulterer and
      Tsuch as Shabbat and honoring                                              the thief procure pleasure in their sins
       parents, means that others receive   On a most basic level, oaths involve   while the murderer and the bearer
       less attention, for example the third   the name of G-d and someone who   of  false witness  avenge  themselves
       one: “You shall not take the name    takes  a  vain  or false  oath  demeans   upon their enemies.  What enjoyment
       of the L-rd your G-d in vain; for    the  reverence  required  towards the   is achieved by making vain or false
       the L-rd will not hold him guiltless   Master of the Universe. Two of our   oaths? No overwhelming temptation
       that  takes  His  name  in vain.”   The   classic  Biblical  commentators  add
       Torah’s terminology here suggests    more layers to this iniquity. Chiz-  leads individuals to such sins but
       we should take this commandment      kuni  points out that whereas a thief   rather a simple lack of care and con-
       quite  seriously.  The  unusual  phrase   can easily compensate for his crime   cern regarding the substance of their
       “ki  lo yenakeh Hashem” attributes a   by returning the stolen item, a person   speech.
       particular severity to the sin of vain   who makes a vain oath cannot pay   I imagine that acts of murder or
       oaths. The Torah also relates to false   back the victim. Although his point   adultery, two death penalty crimes,
       oaths as a significant transgression,   is true, it would seem that many sins
       referring to them as a chillul Hashem.   resemble vain oaths in this regard and   are  more  grievous  than  violations
       “And you shall not swear by My name   it remains unclear why this transgres-  of lo tisa. At the same time, cer-
       falsely so that you profane the name   sion receives such harsh treatment.   tain aspects of vain and false oaths
       of your G-d: I am the L-rd.” 2                                            make them particularly problematic.
                                                                                 They cannot easily be undone, they
       Our prophetic books further reveal             Few people commit          quickly turn into constant failings,
       the severity of oaths. The people    “”        murder or adultery on      and they do not emerge out of strong
       of Yavesh  Gilead are killed  due to                                      temptations.
       their ignoring a communal oath to              a daily basis but they
       fight against the tribe of Binyamin.           can take false or vain     May attention  to this  dibra help us
       Shaul wanted to kill his son Yeho-                                        grow more sensitive to the content
       natan for violating an oath not to             oaths all the time         and mode of our speech.
       eat until the battle with the Pelish-
       tim was finished.  Shaul’s descen-
       dants are put to death because the   Ibn Ezra  mentions two more factors.   1    Shemot 20:7.
       house of Shaul violated an old oath   Few  people  commit  murder or adul-  2   Vayikra 19:12.
       from the time of Yehoshua  not to    tery on a daily basis but they can take   3   Shoftim 21.
       harm the Gibeonites. 5               false or vain oaths all the time. Some-  4   Shmuel Alef 14.
                                            one who has integrated oaths into his   5   Shmuel Bet 21.
       Talmudic tradition adds further evi-  regular discourse is likely to swear   6   Shavuot 21a.
       dence.  A sinner does not receive    multiple times each day. Humorously,   7   Yoma 86a.
       lashes for verbal crimes  (lav she’ain   Ibn Ezra envisions rebuking some-  8   Commentary on Shemot 20:7.
       bo ma’aseh) with a few solitary excep-  one  who  constantly  swears  and  that
       tions, one of them being vain or false   person responding with an oath in the   9   Commentary on Shemot 20:7.
       oaths. Another Gemara  states that   name of G-d that he does not swear
       it is particularly difficult to achieve   at all. Perhaps the ubiquity of this sin   Rabbi Yitzchak Blau is a Rosh Yeshiva at
       atonement  for  violation of  this   adds to its severity.                Yeshivat Orayta

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