Page 44 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 44

the aseret                                                             Rabbi Judah Dardik
        hadibrot                                        NINE

                                                    הֶנ ֲ ע ַ ת אלֹ

                                    The Crucial Lesson

             t a highlight moment in the    – and what we know of the actions    and are required to do so as discern-
             Chag  of  Shavuot,  we  stand   of – the ‘other’ (whether that other is   ing people. One cannot responsibly
       Afor the reading of the  Aseret      G-d or a human being). Seen in this   walk  through  life  believing  that  all
       HaDibrot, recalling the experience of   light,  הֶנ ֲ ע ַ ת  אלֹ is more than a juridi-  behavior (and all people in the ways
       hearing the commandments directly    cal  mitzvah. It applies beyond  court-  in which they conduct themselves)
       from  G-d  at  Mt. Sinai on  the  first   room proceedings and directly to our   are equally good. And yet at the
       Shavuot in history. One of the unique   perceptions and evaluations of the   same time, it is all too easy to come
       features of the 9th commandment,     actions of those around us.          to conclusions about others based on
       ר ֶ ק ׁ ָ ש ד ֵ ע ך ֲ ע ֵ ר ְ ב הֶנ ֲ ע ַ ת אלֹ  – you shall not          insufficient and inaccurate evidence.
       bear false witness against your fellow,    The Talmud Yerushalmi  notes a   We may overhear a snippet of conver-
       is that among all the  dibrot it is the   subtle change in wording between   sation, witness actions out of context
       only one that doesn’t seem to apply to   the manner in which this command-  and without a full picture of the life of
       most people, nor at most times. Each   ment  is  phrased  in  Shemot  and  how   the other, or accept a rumor. And just
       person deals independently with their   it appears when the 10 command-   like that, we come to form an opinion
       faith in G-d and the oneness of G-d,   ments are listed in Sefer Devarim.  In   of them and their character. We so
       and their relationship to G-d’s name.   Shemot, the commandment specifies   easily accept the ‘testimony’ of such
       The same goes for the observance of   a  prohibition against  false  (“sheker”)   false witnesses.
       Shabbat, the respect shown to par-   testimony.  In Devarim, the Torah
       ents, avoiding murder, adultery, theft   instructs us not to offer testimony in   The Yerushalmi equated testimony in
       and coveting that which belongs to   vain  (“shav”). Those two terms are   vain with that which is false. Judging
       others. But this particular command-  not quite synonymous; the former    others when we don’t need to form
       ment seems only applicable in the    involves attesting to something      an opinion can be just as destructive
       context of a court, and only for one   untrue. The latter seems to include   as an outright lie. But our world is
       who comes to offer testimony. Does   the unnecessary as well. Well aware   now learning an important lesson, as
       it have a greater meaning for our day-  of the difference, the Yerushalmi   social distancing has limited our abil-
       to-day lives?                        states that these two terms were     ity to interact with others. In its way,
                                            spoken concurrently at Sinai (“bedib-
       A relevant insight may be gained     bur echad ne’emru”). They are meant   Covid-19 is opening our eyes to real-
       from a linkage made by the Meiri  in   to go hand in hand, despite their   ize  that  we  never  really  knew  quite
       his analysis of the  Aseret HaDibrot.   seeming alternate foci. What is the   what was happening in someone else’s
       Noting that the commandments did     message the Gemara is sharing with   world from the outside. Perhaps we
       not simply appear in list form but   us?                                  would do best to learn the lesson of
       were rather broken up into sets of                                        the penultimate commandment, and
       five over two tablets, he suggests they   By linking the notions advanced   cease forming unnecessary opinions
       are meant to parallel one another.   by the Meiri and the Talmud          at all.
       The first commandment matches the    Yerushalmi, I believe one can garner
       sixth  in  theme,  the  second  matches   a more global view of the mitzvah of
       the seventh, and so on. Thus, Shab-  הֶנ ֲ ע ַ ת  אלֹ. Of course, one must speak   1   Shemot, 20:13.
       bat and  הֶנ ֲ ע ַ ת אלֹ are paired with one   honestly in court. The entire judicial   2   Beit HaBechira, Introduction to the
       another.                             system depends upon the ability to       Talmud Bavli.
                                            gather truthfully stated evidence and   3   Talmud Yerushalmi, Masechet Nedarim
       How so? Observance of Shabbat is a   evaluate its relevance and implica-      3:2.
       personal testimony of the belief that   tions. And that is the direct meaning   4   Devarim 5:17.
       G-d  created  the universe. Thus  both   of this commandment. But judgment
       commandments require truth in        is not limited to the courts of justice.   Rabbi Judah Dardik is Assistant Dean and
       characterizing our  relationship with   We engage in judgment all the time   a teacher at Yeshivat Orayta

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