Page 46 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 46

Mizrachi in Israel's National Institutions

                                                                           Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman

                                My Jerusalem

          was born and raised in the city of   united together.” This verse was   destroyed it.” Asks the  Sefat Emet:
          Jerusalem. My childhood years     explained in the Jerusalem Talmud, as   it would be understandable if the
      I were spent in a divided Jerusalem,   well as in the Midrash, as meaning “a   Talmud had said that the “Temple had
       with  a  wall  between  the  New  and   city that creates fellowship among all   not been built,” but why does it say
       Old City. I remember those days      Jews.” The Babylonian Talmud, how-   that the generation “is considered to
       fondly, riding our bicycles past the   ever, explains the verse differently: “I   have destroyed it”? He answers that
       wall, going on walks near the wall,   will not enter the heavenly Jerusalem   the rebuilding of Jerusalem and the
       stopping at certain points along the   until I can enter the earthly Jerusa-  Temple is not a one-time event, but
       way that looked out over portions of   lem. Is there a heavenly Jerusalem?   rather an extended and ongoing pro-
       the city that were controlled by the   Yes, for it is written, ‘The built-up   cess. Every generation adds its  own
       Jordanians. Over  Chol HaMoed we     Jerusalem is like a city that is united   layer to the structure until the con-
       would go to Mount Zion and look out   together.” The earthly Jerusalem par-  struction  is  complete  and  stands  as
       over the ruins of the Temple Mount.   allels the heavenly Jerusalem from the   a whole. When understood like this,
                                            perspective of the city itself, not that
       During the Six-Day War, the city was   of its residents.                  it is clear that any generation that
       bombarded and we spent our days                                           does not add its own layer is consid-
       in bomb shelters. The war resulted   The two explanations seemingly       ered to have destroyed its share of the
       in the liberation of the city and sev-  differ; however, a deeper understand-  process.
       eral  days  later,  the two  halves  of  the   ing of the sources shows that both
       city were united. On Shavuot of 5727   address the same point. Every capital   This week, as we all celebrate the day
       (1967),  the  road  to  the  Kotel  was   city in the world connects and unites   of the liberation and unification of
       opened and the residents of Jerusa-  the citizens of that country. Jerusa-  the holy city of Jerusalem, we shall
       lem, together with many visitors who   lem, the eternal capital of the Jewish   add our layer to the rebuilding of our
       had arrived from around the country,   people, is different. It is the Holy City   capital city. We will strive to spread
       streamed to the Old City to pray at   and the home of the Temple and thus   brotherhood  and  kindness  amongst
       the Kotel.                           produces a unique internal connec-   ourselves, to bring peace between
                                            tion. The earthly Jerusalem parallels   brothers and sisters and thus merit
       A year after the Six-Day War, I was   the heavenly Jerusalem. A Jew who   the realization of the words of Rabbi
       blessed to be one of the first stu-  travels to Jerusalem is not only travel-  Yehoshua Ben Levi in Tractate Derech
       dents to study in Yeshivat HaKotel in   ing to the earthly Jerusalem, but also   Eretz: “G-d said to Israel: You caused
       the Old City. I studied there for six   to the heavenly Jerusalem.        the destruction of My House and the
       years and lived opposite the Kotel.                                       expulsion of My sons. Pray for the
       The Yeshiva was housed in aban-      When  one  travels  to  Jerusalem,  he   peace of Jerusalem and I will give you
       doned and decrepit buildings in the   cleanses  himself  of  his  personal   peace.”
       Jewish Quarter, which had yet to be   issues, from his here and now, and
       restored. The beit midrash, in shelters   connects to an eternal reality. In this
       above the road leading to the Kotel,   way, the earthly Jerusalem paral-
       produced the sound of Torah study    lels the heavenly Jerusalem in that it
       for long hours into the night. These   brings all of Israel together in a bond   Rabbi Yechiel Wasserman is Head of the
       sounds of Torah and prayer were      of brotherhood.                      Center for Religious Affairs in the Diaspora
       music to the ears of those who came                                       at the World Zionist Organization and one
       to visit the Old City or those on their   Our Sages expounded on the duty   of World Mizrachi's representatives in the
       way to the Kotel.                    of every Jew to strive for the better-  National Institutions
                                            ment of Jerusalem: “Any generation
       In Tehillim, King David wrote that   that does not see the rebuilding of
       “The built-up Jerusalem is like a city   the Temple is considered to have

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