Page 45 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 45

Rabbi Yuval Cherlow

                                                    דֹמ ְ ח ַ ת אלֹ

                       The Root of a Healthy Society

               odern economy is based       world forward and make it a better   entire consumer-oriented existence
               on desire. The desire of the   place, and the unequivocal directive   does to us all. We can certainly say
      Msellers, to increase their           of “You shall not covet.”            that much of the spread of this virus
       wealth, and the desire of the buyers                                      was a result of people’s concern for
       for something they don’t have, or to   This is a lesson we have been learn-  themselves, without thinking whether
       replace  old  with  new,  etc.  Indeed,   ing now, during the Coronavirus   and how their behavior could affect
       without desire, the economy has no   pandemic. On the one hand, we have   others. Indeed, once we began to con-
       leg to stand on.                     learned to make do with much less    sider our surroundings – both human
                                            than we were used to beforehand,     and global – there was much greater
       Of course though, there is no clear   while on the other, we are faced with   success in fighting the virus.
       cut definition of what is permitted to   the stark reality of a collapsing econ-
       desire and what not. The Torah does   omy, in which people are not only not   Above all, this is about shaping soci-
       not oppose the possession of property   able to but have even lost the will to   ety. A society that bases itself on “you
       or that people should be financially   buy new things. And on a third hand,   shall not covet” builds its values on
       successful. Our forefathers were very   our relationship to various products   a different plane. A society like this
       wealthy and we do not find a puritan   and activities has undergone a certain   is constantly educating itself “not to
       stance anywhere at all in the Torah.   distillation,  with  it suddenly becom-  look at the pitcher but at what is in
       Furthermore,  if  people  didn’t  have   ing clear to us how much we were   it,” and always striving for a life of
       the drive for more, and to attain and   falsely dependent on certain needs   internal content rather than external
       obtain better and bigger goals, many   and items.                         superficiality. Its advertising and sales
       of the world’s greatest discoveries                                       are aimed at real needs and benefits
       would  never  have  been  discovered!   What else are these times teaching   rather than targeting the darker emo-
       And we would be stuck in the same    us? First and foremost, we need to   tions in the consumer.
       place as many underdeveloped coun-   remind ourselves that what is truly   This  type  of  society behaves  mod-
       tries today.                         important is who we are – what good   estly, for example, not holding gran-
                                            deeds we do for others, what injus-
       That’s not all. Even Torah study and   tice we fight against, and how much   diose weddings and giving the couple
       other life treasures would be affected.   we are prepared to exert ourselves in   the chance to study for a year instead,
       The prohibition to covet does not    the pursuit of peace. This moral and   with no financial worries. A  society
       just apply to monetary matters,  but   ethical stance is more important than   like this strives for justice and chessed,
       to other things too, such as some-   any material achievement, scientific   and everything anathema to desire –
       one else’s wife. Similarly in the world   development or personal wealth.  concession and giving to others, from
       of the mind and the spirit – some of                                      an open-hearted perspective noticing
       the revelations in academia, research   Secondly, the impetus for things we   and catering to genuine needs.
       and Torah learning also stem from    want must be need, even when it’s to   The main benchmark for such a soci-
       the internal desire to find better and   do with our welfare or convenience. It   ety  is the constant concern that the
       more truthful arguments, ideas or    is so important not to build our needs   benefits  of  economic  development
       proofs, and to share them with the   around what our neighbors have, and   are divided equally, and that it should
       masses. Hence, if it would be for-   to want to have more than they do.   be  justice  and  charity  that  drives
       bidden to desire such things as well,   A person’s motives must come from   resource distribution rather than
       we  would  simply  be  eradicating  the   within, and not from a comparison   greed and desire.
       powers that drive the world.         between what he has and what the
                                            other person has.
       Therefore,  we  find  ourselves  having                                   Rabbi Yuval Cherlow  is Rosh Yeshiva of
       to strike a balance between our G-d-  And thirdly, we have learned that we   Yeshivat Amit Orot Shaul and a founding
       given trait of wanting to move the   also need to consider the damage the   member of Tzohar

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