Page 55 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 55
Rabbi Ari Kahn
Zachor & Shamor
t the end of Moshe’s life, the very dawn of Creation: “And G-d day would have religious superiority
before taking leave of his blessed the seventh day, and sancti- over the others. On the other hand,
Apeople, Moshe saw fit to teach fied it; because on it, He rested from with only the first formulation, Man
the generation of Israelites who would all His work which G-d created to would remain outside the picture; he
soon enter the Land of Israel. This make.” The fact that G-d blessed the would have no part in the sanctity of
new generation must hear G-d’s laws seventh day and sanctified it does not the seventh day just as he was not a
too. Therefore, we are not surprised necessarily affect Man; only when party to Creation.
to find material from the four earlier Man is commanded to keep that day
Books of the Torah repeated in the in a similar or imitative fashion is he Both of these perspectives were
fifth book. brought into the frame, into G-d’s taught by G-d, simultaneously, at
frame of reference, as it were. Sinai. Yet each was recorded, empha-
Let us compare the Fourth Com-
mandment as it appears in Shemot On the other hand, the rationale for sized, at different junctures in the
and in Devarim. Shabbat as stated in Devarim is of a history of the Jewish people. The
totally different order, drawn from generation that left Egypt would cer-
In Shemot, the rationale for Shabbat a totally different sphere. We were tainly have no trouble embracing the
is Creation: Shabbat is a testament enslaved, and G-d rescued us. “And idea that one day each week should
to our belief in the Creation and remember that you were a servant be a day of rest. Therefore, the gener-
the Creator. On the other hand, in in the land of Egypt and that the ation that left Egypt, the generation
Devarim, the Shabbat is commanded Almighty your G-d brought you out of liberated slaves that stood at Sinai,
as a reminder of our enslavement in from there with a mighty hand and was taught about the other reason for
Egypt, and of our liberation by G-d’s with an outstretched arm; therefore, Shabbat: this day is hallowed because
Hand. This is no mere explanatory the Almighty your G-d commanded of Creation, and by emulating G-d
comment; here are two vastly differ- you to keep the Shabbat day.” This and keeping the Shabbat we forge a
ent, potentially contradictory reasons formulation is homocentric. The
for the observance of Shabbat. former slaves are addressed in a par- powerful, holy relationship with Him.
ticularly compelling way: as slaves, The generation that stood poised to
In reality, the two different ratio-
nales for Shabbat do not contradict they had no freedom. Now, as free enter the Land of Israel knew neither
men and women, they are free every
one another. Rather, they teach the work nor slavery. It was this gener-
same law from two different vantage day. They have been given all seven ation that needed to hear about the
points. The formulation in Shemot days of the week to pursue their indi- human side of Shabbat. They had to
viduality, and with this Command-
states: “For in six days G-d made the be taught that the seventh day is not
heavens and the earth, the sea, and ment, G-d asks that they put aside exclusively Divine in nature. The
one-seventh of their gift in return.
all that is in them, and rested on the Seen from this perspective, Shabbat human and social implications of
seventh day; therefore G-d blessed the becomes a moral imperative for those Shabbat would not have been intui-
Shabbat day and sanctified it.” There whose shackles were broken, homage tively understood by those who were
is one thing missing here – namely, to their liberator. sustained by miracles for 40 years.
Man. Why should humankind keep
Shabbat? Moreover, if Shabbat exists The two rationales are not contra-
simply because G-d created, this law dictory; one speaks from G-d’s per- 1 Bereishit 2:3.
should be universal, and not apply spective, teaching us that the seventh
only to members of the Covenant, to day is holy and unique. The other Adapted from Echoes of Eden Sefer Devarim,
Jews alone. This Commandment is speaks from the human perspective, from OU Press/Geffen
theocentric, reflecting G-d’s perspec- requiring Man to rest as well. Had it
tive. The seventh day is holy because not been for the first rationale, Man Rabbi Ari Kahn is Director of the Overseas
G-d created for six days and then would be able to choose his own day Student Program at Bar-Ilan University,
desisted from creating. This is echoed of rest; each and every day would be where he is a senior lecturer in Jewish
in the verse in Bereishit, uttered at an equally valid candidate, and no one Studies
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