Page 57 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 57

Israel Insight

                                                                                  Dr. Sharon Goldman
                        UNITY OF A

          n  the  midst  of  the  Corona    The idea of unity during these chal-  Charedi players, but in general, as
          pandemic – perhaps because of it   lenging times was not only aspi-    soon as it was understood, the over-
      I– something amazing happened.        rational but also inspirational for   whelming number of Charedim took
       For the first time in almost 20      many. Israeli citizens came together   the health directives very seriously.
       years, a national unity government   – as one nation– to help one another.   They were the ones paying the price
       was formed. Yes, there were many     Medical students in the north vis-   for their delayed response, with over
       complications  and   machinations    ited chronically ill patients to ensure   75%  of  the  cases  in  Jerusalem  and
       along the way, and the final         they got the psychological and medi-  close to 50% of all cases coming from
       formulation is challenging enough    cal support they needed during their   their own community. With limited
       to make almost everyone unhappy.     extended isolations; whole neighbor-  access to the internet and media, their
       At AIPAC we used to say that if both   hoods participated in baking goods   slow responses, while frustrating, are
       Left and Right were not happy with   for local health care workers; singers   understandable. And the reminder
       us, we had done something right. The   and entertainers offered their tal-  message sent by this community to all
       same principle holds true here. There   ents free online to massive Zoom   of us – that we need to worry about
       is something unique about a coalition   audiences; people who  still  had jobs   our souls as much as our bodies, is
       that includes both the Charedi and   gave their government-issued checks   not a trivial one.
       Labor parties and has agreed to both   to those less fortunate. There was   As we come to the holiday of Shavuot
       annex the West Bank and hand the     a real sense of all of us being in this   – after multiple layered counting: the
       ministerial portfolios of housing and   together, that only with a unified   omer with its own sadness, and our
                                            stance will we continue to remain
       economy to the Left.                                                      Corona counts where we also lost too
                                            strong in the face of this invisible
       There  were  many  articles exploring   enemy.                            many – we need to remember its crit-
                                                                                 ical message of unity. Moshe comes to
       why Benny Ganz, who had numbers      Unity extended  beyond just the      Bnei Yisrael to offer G-d’s Torah and
       on his side, and why Bibi Netanyahu,   Jewish citizens of Israel. The Israeli   “all the nation answered together.”
       who had time on his side, agreed to   government and the Palestinian      It was because of this unity that we
       a unity government. Each had both    Authority have been cooperating      were  given the miracle of  the  Torah.
       personal and political reasons, and   fully throughout this pandemic. The   Thousands of years later we united
       each negotiated fiercely for what was   Israelis transferred critical medi-  again after a different miracle – the
       primary in his own mind. However, I   cal supplies to the Palestinians and   1967 war. On the Shavuot of 1967,
       believe that at some point both men   invited them in to help in East Jerusa-  every demographic  was represented
       also realized that unity was nec-    lem. There were frequently scheduled   as they visited the Kotel: “kibbutz
       essary for a country engaged in an   meetings between the Israelis and the   members and soldiers rubbing shoul-
       unprecedented fight against a viral   Palestinians not only about health   ders with Neturei Karta” reported the
       pandemic. These men  didn’t  need    issues but economic concerns, as well,   Jerusalem Post. After our own war
       to unite because only together could   as the Israeli and Palestinian econ-  against Corona, we need to remember
       they wisely and thoughtfully design   omies are intertwined in significant   the import of our unity – it may be
       the perfect strategy for containment   ways. A joint “war room” was even   complicated and difficult, even frus-
       and exit; but rather because Israeli   established.                       trating – but it is a critical element to
       citizens were simply exhausted – by   The one weakness in terms of achdut   strengthening both the nation and the
       isolation, by anxiety, by uncertainty –   – unity – was the rise in animosity   country of Israel.
       and ending the political struggle with   directed at  the Charedi population.
       a unified government was a way to    Yes, the community did not respond   Dr. Sharon Goldman  is a  Vice  President
       positively resolve at least one distress-  quickly enough to social distancing   at Bar-Ilan University, and a former AIPAC
       ing national issue.                  rules, and there were some very bad   Northeast Deputy Regional Director

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