Page 60 - HaMizrachi YmYm 2020 FLIPv3
P. 60
Rabbanit Sally Meyer
Who Knows
ow does Ruth the Moabite of surprise shows how rare that reac- Ruth is so incredibly kind to her
ultimately gain acceptance tion was! When she asks him why he mother-in-law, insisting on accompa-
Hwithin the Jewish people, and is kind to her, when after all she is a nying her back home, and then seek-
even become the mother of royalty? stranger, he responds: “I have heard ing out food for her when they return
Ruth is the Moabite wife of Machlon, all that you have done for your moth- to Beit Lechem penniless. Avraham
son of Elimelech and Naomi, who left er-in-law after your husband died; you was willing to sacrifice Yitzchak to
Israel during a famine to find sus- left your father and your mother and follow G-d’s command; Ruth is will-
tenance in Moav. Elimelech and his your birthplace to move to a nation ing to sacrifice her own future as
two sons have died, leaving Naomi that you never knew before.” 2 well, as she insists on going back with
and her two daughters-in-law alone. Naomi even after Naomi makes it
Naomi decides it’s time to go home What made Boaz see Ruth differ- abundantly clear that if she joins her,
and the three women begin the jour- ently? The name “Boaz” combines she will unlikely remarry – and there-
ney. On the way, Naomi implores her two Hebrew words, and it means “in fore never have children.
daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah, him, is strength.” To everyone else,
to go back to their families and begin Ruth is the appendage of a family who So many generations after Avraham,
new lives, since she is bereft and pen- abandoned the homeland when times we are reminded that each of us,
niless and can offer nothing but a were tough and comes from a nation man and woman, can be Avraham –
bleak future. Orpah reluctantly agrees we are told to have nothing to do making the conscious choice to follow
to remain in Moav. Ruth, however, with. Boaz has the strength to see the G-d, and exemplifying Avraham’s
insists on accompanying her moth- parallel in Ruth to another individual trait of kindness and caring, which of
er-in-law on her journey. In doing so, who came from an idol-worshipping course is really G-d’s trait – םּוח ַ ר ל ֵ ק
Ruth not only leaves her home and family from a strange land, and he ד ֶ ס ֶ ח ב ַ ר ְ ו םִי ַּ פ ַ א ך ֶ ר ֶ א ןּוּנ ַ ח ְ ו (Exodus 34).
family but also explicitly accepts Nao- hints at it in the words he chooses as
mi’s G-d: “Your nation is my nation he comforts Ruth. We read Megillat Ruth on Shavuot,
and your G-d is my G-d.” 1 the day on which we all renew our
Those words Boaz chooses are so
When Ruth and Naomi return, they reminiscent of G-d’s command to acceptance of the Torah each year,
are hardly embraced. The townspeo- Avraham in Bereishit 12: “Go forth rededicating ourselves to G-d and
ple can’t even believe it’s Naomi when from your land, your birthplace, and to the Torah and its values. May we
they see her, and they utterly ignore the home of your father, to the Land follow the example of Avraham and
the young Moabite woman who came that I will show you.” Ruth is por- Ruth – of sincere dedication to G-d
back with her. When Ruth goes to trayed as a second Avraham – willing and sensitivity and kindness to all
pick up leftover wheat amongst the to leave her homeland and family and those around us.
destitute in the fields of Boaz, the move to the Land of Israel. Avraham
farmhands see simply a nameless is known as the father of all converts,
“Moabite girl who returned with recognizing G-d in a pagan world. 1 Ruth 1:16.
Naomi from the fields of Moab” when Ruth, too, accepts G-d as part of her 2 Ibid 2:6,11.
Boaz inquires as to her identity. But journey. We know Avraham as the
Boaz looks at her differently; alone paragon of lovingkindness and the Rabbanit Sally Mayer serves as Rosh
among the Jews of Beit Lechem, Boaz ultimate host, seeking out guests and Midrasha at Ohr Torah Stone's Midreshet
is kind to Ruth, and her expression hurrying to make them comfortable. Lindenbaum
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