P. 4

Principal’s Message

    Resilience is embracing the new normal and making the most out of the available resources to  make value
                                            addition for our next generation.
   Dear Students and Parents,

   The year 2020 the field of education has called for a paradigm shift when the entire globe is experiencing
   quarantines and lockdowns. Our academic session 2020-21 has been redefined and revamped to address

   the need of the hour. DPS Paradip Refinery has left no stone unturned to take the challenges thrown to us
   in the form of pandemic. In these perplexing challenging times our entire teaching fraternity is striving

   hard to deliver the best learning outcomes to our Dipsites. We all have a choice, either be spectators or
   we can get in and face life with all its challenges head on . Our commitment towards our Dipsites has
   been reflected in the effort the school has put in these days and it speaks volumes about it sincerity to

   holistic education.

   DPS Paradip Refinery Parivar is proud of its 2019-20 batch of class X and XII who brought glory to the

   school by coming out with the outstanding results of AISSE and AISSCE.

   Though the crisis aroused we didn’t fail to conduct our Periodic Tests and Mid Term examination on time

   via Online . Thanks to technology! Our regular PTMs keep the parents updated with the academic and co
   curricular improvements of their wards. School reopening for children and physical classes will be held as
   per Odisha Government’s directives . I urge all Dipsites who are preparing for their upcoming Board

   Examination 2020-21 to be regular in virtual classes and keep in touch with all subject teachers to clear
   your doubts. I thank the DPSS, the School Management and the Parents who are the pillars of this school
   for their endless support to make our efforts easier to face this challenging situation of 2020.

   I congratulate the Editorial team of Angana Samanta and Rohit Ghosh under the guidance of school
   Chief Editor Mrs Ranjana Sujit in publishing the school’s first Flip e Newsletter “Sunshine” successfully .

   Stay Safe and Healthy and Happy Reading!

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