P. 29
Feelings of imbalance If there is a matter that has been
surface possibly creating self lingering financially you will now get
evaluation and determining what it under control. It may be a loan or
you want out of life. Whether at an unexpected surprise but aid will
work or romantic relationships be provided to assist you. It will be
you are starting to see clearly. the prefect time to put negative
Rather then being confused or situations to end. Romantic singles
distracted by others. Find a path there is someone trying to get your
that works as well for you as it attention this individual is very
has in business and it will lead quiet. Notice those who go
you to the romantic happiness unnoticed. If dating you and your
you seek. partner want to break from the
usual routine and explore
something new together.
Remain in your truth! If you feel a A new commitment made between
work or romantic situation has you and a partner it can be a
ran its course sort of speak. creative partner or a romantic one.
Trust your instincts and know But things are starting to move in
that those relationships has ran a direct that will produce positive
its course. Now you see those for results in business and in love
who they are and the situation for relationships. If you losted control
what it is. Have the strength to let of your schedule or your career
go! If you are feeling that you direction. You will become more
aren't being appreciated. Have organize a head of the game. If
faith in yourself that you know there has been distance due to
your truth and remove yourself disagreements and conflicts with
from the situation. friends and family. There will be a
You have come out of the storm Family, love relationships and
from the prior months rather than career opportunities will start to
be career or romantic. You are show some improvements.
now rejuvenated and extremely Mental clarity plays a huge rule in
optimistic in romantic you developing a strategy for a
relationships and in career plan of success. Clearing up
undertakings. Keep your options debts, concentrating on order in
open and see where the business and planning for the
universe takes you. future. Someone will come to your
defense and act as a agent on
your behalf. Accept the help and
In romance if single keep a open mind you may be try not to question the universe.
attracted to someone that is not your usual type be You are a protector at times and
flirtation and try not to weight the pros and the cons now the universe will pay you back
some much. If coupled there are some feelings that in good karma coins.
you are hiding from your partner talking it out. You
require time alone just to regain your energy trust
your instincts you'll know when to come back. In
finance, you may not be happy with the news you
were waiting for. Take some time to reset and plan