P. 30
In romance, clearly decide what In romance try to be mindful that
you want out of your romance all relationships aren't good nor
life. There will be someone new bad. If in a current relationship
entering plan close attention to some of you may be in a not so
the red flags. Take time to heal positive relationship and this
from the release of past burdens may not bring out the best in you
and be optimistic about your or your partner or strengthen
current transition thats occurred your abilities to prosper together.
in your life. Mentally you have Hence all things come to end.
been isolated and need to come Information will be provided to
back in the social scene. you that will help you make the
Finances money is steady but it right decision in financial and in
will take time to regain your romantic life.
confidence to restrategize a
new plan to make more money.
Very successful networking Remain in your truth! If you feel a
opportunities this month. a work or romantic situation has ran
friend may put you into a its course sort of speak. Trust your
situation that requires so limits instincts and know that those
on the relationship. You lucknis relationships has ran its course.
changing. Overcoming obstacles Now you see me those for who
changing a rule or a policy within they are and the situation for what
a group begins it is have the strength to let go! If
success. Bringing a chaotic you are feeling that you aren't
matter the order and restoring being appreciated. Have faith in
harmony. yourself that you know your truth
and remove your from the
Feelings of alienation,
depression and possibly
anxieties have subscribed. You
will not benefit from looking at
things from rose colored
glasses. Self deception or
deceiving others in your love life
remember"quality not quantity"
will work for best results. In
career, everything remains the
same smooth and steady.