Page 11 - JBAS Realty-Bernardon Proposal for Design Services (revised)
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                  ■  Structural engineering Design Development                                  Service Elevator  Room  1,486 SF
                   deliverables per Exhibit B; and                                                     Banquet  4,963 SF  Pre Function  2,532 SF  Outdoor Space  1,490 SF
                  ■  MEPFP engineering Design Development                                     BOH - Offices &  House Laundry  2,882 SF  Bathroom  121 SF  Bathroom  Bathroom  Bathroom  375 SF  Bathroom  375 SF
                   deliverables per Exhibit C.                                 Commercial  38,324 SF    399 SF  399 SF
                                                                                               Bathroom  206 SF  Kitchen  2,512 SF
                                                                                               Bathroom  206 SF
                                                                                             Apartment Jump  Lobby  713 SF  Hotel Lobby  3,809 SF  Work Room  180 SF  Guest Kitchen  374 SF
               Phase VI – Construction Documents                                               Gym  1,421 SF    Restaurant  4,413 SF  SECOND FLOOR PLAN
               When Design Development has been completed, we will                                                    SCALE 1/16" = 1'-0"
               proceed with Construction Documents.                                                                   1
               We anticipate that a fire pump may be necessary and
               the inclusion of a backup generator; therefore, the
               design and documentation of these systems is included.       ■  Coordination with Owner’s / Hotel’s Interior

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               All site utilities will be designed and detailed by the   Designer, Kitchen equipment designer, and low

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               civil engineer.  The MEPFP engineer will review and     voltage systems vendor (design work not included);
               coordinate the building with the site utilities.       ■  Reflected ceiling plans of core areas and dwelling
               A 95% Construction Documents submission of the hotel     ■  Civil  engineering  Construction  Document
               portion of the project to Hyatt Hotels for franchise    deliverables per Exhibit A; (Note: Services are
               review and approval is expected during this phase.  As   expected to be completed prior to and/or during
               part of this submission, we will prepare responses to   Phase III Site Permitting);
               Hyatt comments and redmarks following review with      ■  Structural engineering Construction Document
               the Ownership team.                                     deliverables per Exhibit B;
                                                                      ■  MEPFP engineering Construction Document
               Based upon the drawings prepared as part of the Design   deliverables per Exhibit C; and
               Development phase, we will prepare documents suitable     ■  Building specification book.
               for final bidding, permitting, and construction as
               follows:                                             Phase VII – CM Bidding and Negotiations
                                                                    It is our understanding that you are undecided as to
                  ■  Architectural floor plans at 1/8” scale for each floor   whether a Construction Manager will be engaged in the
                   level;                                           project.  Therefore, our proposal is based on the project
                  ■  Architectural parking garage plans;            being bid to a select number of General Contractors.
                  ■  Enlarged plans and details of each dwelling unit   Our services during the Bidding and Negotiations phase
                   type for the hotel guestrooms, including prototype   will be the following:
                   details, and apartment / condo units;              ■  Answer Requests for Information (RFIs) during the
                  ■  Roof plan and associated details;                 General Contractor bid period;
                  ■  Building elevations;                             ■  Attend one (1) prebid meeting (may be a virtual
                  ■  Detailed elevations of the entrance areas;        meeting);
                  ■  Wall sections;                                   ■  Review received General Contractor bids with
                  ■  Code required restrooms at Commercial / Retail    Ownership.
                   tenant spaces;
                  ■  Details;                                       We anticipate a four (4) week bidding period for up to
                  ■  Schedule for doors and hardware;               four (4) GCs, followed by two (2) to (4) weeks of review
                  ■  Stair and elevator details;

               BERNARDON | Response to Request for Proposal
               JBAS Realty, LLC | New Multi-Use Development in Scranton, PA | May 25, 2022, revised July 8, 2022  Page 5
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