Page 10 - Bernardon P3 Innovation
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P3 experience

               partial listing*

               Bernardon understands that our role in a P3 can         Our team understands that the actual pursuit
               be a journey collaborating with the development         of a P3 project may require significant upfront
               team. The pursuit of these projects can be long         demands and resources of the team and that
               and the process leading to the selection of a           our investment in the pursuit may not result in
               design-build-finance  team  requires  a  major          winning the project.
               commitment of design resources.
                                                                       Bernardon has been involved with and
               Our team has participated in numerous P3                participated in the investment of the pursuit
               projects and pursuits;  therefore, we understand        of the following P3 projects:
               the process of working with entities through the
               planning, design, and construction processes.             Private Institutions | On-Campus and
               In some cases, we are the catalyst that brings            Student Housing Projects:
               an opportunity to the developer by way of an                 ■ Drexel University, PA
               introduction to the public or private institution,           ■ Rider University, NJ
               and other times the developer or construction                ■ Rowan University, NJ
               firm invite us to join a team pursuit.                       ■ University of Delaware, DE
                                                                            ■ University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA
               These pursuits can be lengthy and can involve                ■ University of Pittsburgh, PA
               long periods during a formal Request for                     ■ University of South Florida, FL
               Proposal (RFP) process.  During this time,                   ■ University of Tampa, FL
               our  team  is  integrated  with  the  developer,             ■ University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN
               strategizing through the design process, being
               asked to provide pricing and technical response
               write-ups, providing efficient and aesthetically
               pleasing     conceptual    designs,    navigating
               the  details  of  the  entitlement  process,  and
               reviewing  technical  and legal  requirements  of
               the proposed project.                                                                                                                                                          Festival Pier Redevelopment |
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Philadelphia, PA

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