Page 11 - Bernardon P3 Innovation
P. 11

P3 experience

 Our team understands that the actual pursuit   Private Institutions | Mixed-Use Projects:
 of a P3 project may require significant upfront     ■ University of South Carolina, SC
 demands and resources of the team and that   [mixed-use, student housing, office for
 our investment in the pursuit may not result in   the University]
 winning the project.     ■ Cheyney University, PA
         [parking, housing for aging, student
 Bernardon has been involved with and   housing]
 participated in the investment of the pursuit     ■ Ursinus College, PA
 of the following P3 projects:   [student housing and market-rate
 Private Institutions | On-Campus and     ■ Widener University, DE {law school]
 Student Housing Projects:
   ■ Drexel University, PA  Public Institutions:
   ■ Rider University, NJ    ■ Allentown Parking Authority, PA,
   ■ Rowan University, NJ  Walnut Street Parking Garage
   ■ University of Delaware, DE    ■ Allentown Transportation Center, PA,
         Bus Terminal
   ■ University of Louisiana at Lafayette, LA    ■ City of Dover, DE Capital City 2030 Master Plan
   ■ University of Pittsburgh, PA  [multifamily housing, retail, parking public
   ■ University of South Florida, FL  spaces/parks]
   ■ University of Tampa, FL    ■ City of Easton, PA, [market-rate housing]
   ■ University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN    ■ City of Easton, PA, Pine Street Garage

         Redevelopment [mixed-use]
         ■ City of Philadelphia, PA [multifamily,
          market-rate housing]
         ■ Intergenerational Living
         ■ Upper Merion Township, PA

                                                                   Festival Pier Redevelopment |
                                                                                        Philadelphia, PA

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