Page 14 - Bernardon Faith-Based Statement of Qualifications
P. 14
Saint John Neumann Parish Life Center
Owner/User: St. John Neumann Parish Life Center
Location: Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania
Design Statement: The new Parish Life Center was
designed as a central addition to connect the school
and church – a metaphorical bridge between faith and
knowledge – and encourage a greater sense of community.
The 21,000 SF center includes a combination social
center, athletic facility, school addition, and new
The architecture incorporates open, flexible areas
with operable partitions to accommodate a variety of
functions, both large and intimate in scale, and improved Sustainable design includes high-performance glazing
amenities for ministry programs. Academic features and reflective roof surfaces to reduce energy demands,
include a welcoming new entry with principal’s office recycled-content building and finish materials, and
suite plus two new classrooms. Two existing classrooms reuse of existing infrastructure. The design team also
were converted for use by a dedicated pre-kindergarten strategized ways to construct the building with minimal
program. impact to the academic calendar.
Architect of Record: Lee A. Casaccio, AIA