Page 15 - Bernardon Proposal-Bayhealth Milford Primary Care Clinic
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Proposed Team
The people of at Bernardon are interactive extra” to every project. This attitude has
listeners and imaginative design leaders. We resulted in long-lasting client relationships
strive to provide informed design solutions with a corresponding number of successfully
that respond to our clients’ design objectives, completed projects. Robin’s extensive
resulting in health care designs that improve healthcare experience includes providing
the well-being, productivity, and comfort of interior design services for multi-tenant
its users. medical office buildings, procedure suites,
and private practice suites.
Bernardon is committed to providing strong
leadership through each phase of the design Rebecca Blake Cardamone will serve
and construction process. We understand as Project Manager. As Project Manager,
our responsibility on this assignment, and we Rebecca’s responsibilities will include
have a dedicated Team that will concentrate day-to-day management of the project to
its efforts on meeting the expectations of the meet the overall project objectives. She
Bayhealth schedule. Based on our current will be responsible for the internal task
workload and client commitments, our team of organizing, executing, and coordinating
is available to begin services immediately. project assignments, as well as preparing
Resumes for key members of the Bernardon the design and construction documents,
Team can be found as attachments to this and providing construction administration
submission. services. Rebecca will act as the
communication liaison throughout the project,
William Holloway, AIA, LEED AP will not only for communication with Bayhealth
serve as Principal-in-Charge providing representatives and the MEPFP engineer, but
organizational leadership to ensure that the with all of our in-house design team members.
goals of Bayhealth and the projects are being
Robin Tait, IIDA, is Director of Interior Design
at Bernardon and will oversee the services
provided by our design team. She will be
responsible for the overall performance of
the design team and ultimately responsible
for design and technical quality, the allocation
of firm resources, and for client satisfaction.
Robin places an emphasis on the importance
of client satisfaction and bringing “something
Architectural and Engineering Services for Bayhealth | Milford Primary Care Clinic | August 19, 2022 Page 12