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P. 81

UCU GS Research Journal
                                  ANN MYRTHEL C. BARTOLOME

                   This study aim to determine status of special education centers in Pangasinan during
            the school year 2015 – 2016. It specifically sought the problem on the physical structure, location
            / site of buildings, number of SPED teachers with SPED items, number of enrolment, categories
            of  special  programs  and  best  practices.  Likewise,  the  status  of  Sped  Centers  in  Pangasinan
            along administrative support, teachers capability, adequacy of instructional materials, physical
            plant and facilities and stakeholders involvement in SPED Program. Further, the study sought to
            answer seriousness of problems encountered of SPED Centers in Pangasinan .
                   Furthermore, the researcher arrived at the following conclusions: The profile of Sped
            Centers in terms of physical structure revealed that most classrooms, offices, staff and function
            rooms, resource room, library of food services/canteen, comfort rooms, assembly and athletic
            facilities  are  serviceable  while  medical  and  dental  clinic,  student  center  and  gymnasium  are
            dominated by none. The profile of Sped Centers in terms of location/site of buildings shows that
            land area, buildings and classrooms are enough, school buildings and classrooms are accessible
            while on school site, it was dominated by not fully accessible. The study revealed that of numbers
            of Sped teachers with Sped items were dominated by 3 and below while the number of enrolment
            was dominated by 41 and above. Most of the Sped Centers offers gifted/fast learners, mentally
            challenged/intellectually  disabled,  hearing  impaired,  learning  disability  and  down  syndrome.
            Their best practices are gifted/fast learners followed by challenged/intellectually disabled and
            down syndrome. The overall level of adequacy of Sped Centers according to physical plant and
            facilities was “Adequate”. The respondents rated the problems encountered by the Sped Centers
            as “Slightly Serious”.
                   Lastly, recommendations are the following: Every Sped Centers should have their own
            gymnasium, students’ centers and medical and dental clinic to cater and fully developed he
            needs of special children. Every barangay should have and establish a Sped Center to make the
            school site fully accessible. Additional Sped teachers with Sped items with full qualifications and
            qualities as a Sped teacher in order to develop further the capabilities of the special children. The
            Sped Centers should offer all the categories of Special education in order to cater all the children
            with special disabilities. Moreover, special education should continue their performance of their
            best practices and further developed their non best practices. In this case, Sped teachers should
            update their knowledge by attending seminars and workshop regarding Sped to provide all the
            needs of these children with special needs. The administrative and should continue their support
            and good performance in doing their job to help those special children achieve their full potential
            as possible. Hence, stakeholders should further involve themselves in the sped program to fully
            achieve and meet the goals of Sped Centers to children with special needs.
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