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P. 86
UCU GS Research Journal
This study determined the level of effectiveness of social skills approaches in teaching
children with autism by the SPED and receiving teachers in the Province of Pangasinan during
the school year 2015 – 2016. Specifically, it looked into the following (1) profile of the SPED and
receiving teachers in terms of age, sex, civil status, highest educational attainment, number of
years of teaching experience and number of relevant trainings attended in the international,
national, regional, division and district levels (2) level of effectiveness of social skills approaches
in teaching children with autism by the SPED and receiving teachers (3) significant difference
between the level of effectiveness of social skills approaches in teaching children with autism by
the SPED and receiving teachers across their profile variables and (4) the significant relationship
between the level of effectiveness of social skills approaches in teaching children with autism by
the SPED and receiving teachers and their profile variables.
The findings are summarized in the order of which the problems are raised and the
hypothesis in this study (1) majority of the SPED and receiving teachers belong to age bracket
21-30, females, married, have earned their masteral units, have 5 years and below number of
teaching experience and have attended 7 and above number of trainings in the division level
(2) the level of effectiveness of social skills approaches in teaching children with autism by the
SPED and receiving teachers had a grand overall weighted mean of 4.50 denoting a descriptive
equivalent of Highly Effective.
Based on the results of the findings, the researcher arrived at the following conclusions:
(1) the SPED and receiving teachers are relatively young, educationally qualified and with
sufficient relevant trainings in the division level (2) the SPED and receiving teachers are highly
effective in teaching children with autism using different social skills approaches (3) the SPED
and receiving teachers level of effectiveness in teaching children with autism using the different
social skills approaches is not associated with their profile variables.
In the light of findings and conclusions, the following recommendations are hereby
presented (1) the SPED and receiving teachers should grow professionally by completing their
masteral degree and post graduate studies to further enhance their instructional delivery in dealing
with the special children particularly children with autism (2) SPED and receiving teachers are
encouraged to attend trainings in the regional, national and international levels to further hone
their skills and competencies in handling SPED classes (3) SPED and receiving teachers should
sustain highly effective level in teaching children with autism using social skills approaches like
activity based learning, music therapy, role play, demonstration approach, didactic instruction,
reading social clues and social coaches.