Page 3 - 《地瓜路徑當深度成為實驗》年度系列展覽回顧專輯
P. 3
過「人」不斷的傳承,才能源源不絕地保留下 “Sweet Potato Path: When Depth Becomes
來。在桃園市原住民族文化會館,具有知識 an Experiment,” at the Taoyuan City
Indigenous Cultural Center. The city hopes
to use this exhibition to present the heritage
of culture and art of the indigenous people,
like a sweet potato plant embedding its
roots into the heart of the city. With the
一整年的時間,一步一步的建構、深耕專屬於 use of innovative ways of exhibition, it also
原住民族的當代美學世界觀,也期盼未來能有 wishes for indigenous art to, like the sweet
更多的藝術家從這裡開始發光發熱。 potato root, nurture the city along a unique
Culture and art are intangible assets. They
According to the statistics, the number
need to be continuously passed down by
of indigenous peoples in Taoyuan
"people" in order to be preserved. At the
City reached 75,584 as of the end of
Taoyuan City Indigenous Culture Center,
October 2019, becoming the city with the
the cradle of indigenous core culture of
largest indigenous populations among
knowledge, art, and leisure, it allows all
municipalities. At the same time, it is also the
indigenous peoples to realize their dreams
city with the largest number of indigenous
and work together to create a vibrant
migrants in western Taiwan. Nearly 90% of
and happy new life. In 2019, the Cultural
the indigenous people have settled in the
Center brings together Taiwan ’s well-
桃園市市長 序文 city’s 12 administrative districts, breaking
known contemporary indigenous artists,
the stereotype that indigenous peoples
and spends a whole year in constructing
原民藝術的新路徑 only live in mountainous areas. The urban and deeply cultivating the contemporary
indigenous people from 16 ethnic groups
aesthetic worldview exclusive to indigenous
A New Path of Indigenous Art have become the majority of the indigenous
peoples, one step at a time. It looks forward
people in Taoyuan City. However, as a
to serving as a starting point for more artists
relative minority living in the city, it makes
to shine.
the preservation of culture even more
important. It is imperative that we actively
promote the awareness of indigenous
peoples in Taoyuan, disseminate indigenous
桃園市原住民族人口數截至2019年10月 今年,特別由桃園市政府原住民族行政
cultures and arts, as well as teach respect
底統計有7萬5,584人,為直轄市原住民人口 局和桃園市原住民族發展基金會合作,與七位
for multiculturalism.
第一位,同時也是台灣西部原住民族移民人口 知名原民當代藝術家合作,在桃園市原住民族
最多的城市。其中設籍於12個都會行政區的 文化會館以「地瓜路徑:當深度成為實驗」為
This year, the Department of Indigenous
原住民人口將近9成,早已打破大多數人以為 主題,策畫出不同以往的原住民族藝術展演, Affairs of Taoyuan City has joined hands
原住民族只住山區的刻板印象,來自16族的 希望藉由這次的展覽,將原住民族充滿底蘊的 with the Taoyuan Indigenous Peoples
都市原住民族已經成為桃園市原住民族的多 文化及藝術,像具有生命力的地瓜在都市裡深 Development Foundation to work
with seven well-known indigenous
數,但以相對少數的角色生活在都市中,文化 根茁壯,也期許透過創新的展覽手法,讓原民
contemporary artists to plan a unique
的保存便更加重要,我們積極在桃園凝聚原住 文化可以像地瓜根一般,順著獨有的路徑,滋 桃園市長
exhibition of indigenous art which is Mayor of Taoyuan City
民族意識、傳播原住民族文化及藝術並教育對 養著這個都市。
different from the past, based on the theme,
多元文化之尊重。 文化及藝術是一種無形的資產,需要透 鄭文燦 Mayaw
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