Page 4 - 《地瓜路徑當深度成為實驗》年度系列展覽回顧專輯
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台灣原住民族藝術表現多元,廣泛地涉 to highlight the beauty of exhibited works.
及到各種社會議題,包括自我族群與性別認 This style allows for more serious, solemn,
同、人權、移民與異地思鄉等作品,也讓藝術 and more representative of the cultural
backgrounds of their creators. Moreover,
in accordance with the theme, “Sweet
Potato Path,” brown is used to represent the
color of the land, symbolizing the soil that
serves as growing environment of the sweet
potato. It also represents the space for the
expression of indigenous art provided by
the Taoyuan Indigenous Culture Center.
Yellow represents the color of the sweet
Taiwan's indigenous peoples coexist with potato; it is also a spiritual symbol of hope.
nature, nurturing unique cultures and It represents the forward development of
cultivating individually vibrant art forms. The indigenous art.
Taoyuan City Indigenous Culture Center is
committed to providing the space that will Taiwan’s indigenous art is full of diversity;
allow the public to have a closer and more it covers a wide range of social issues,
intimate look into the beauty of indigenous including ethnic and gender identities,
arts. human rights, immigration and nostalgia.
桃園市政府原住民行政局局長 序文 It also breaks the traditional framework
What is different this year is that, for the first of exhibitions and artistic performances,
地方文化館的新突破 time, we have invited curators to map out a combining static and dynamic performing
comprehensive plan for this year’s curatorial arts as well as sensory images and sounds
桃原文藝據點 work, set the annual theme based on “the to convey issues related to indigenous
sweet potato path” to develop a series of peoples and new artistic thinking. We
A Breakthrough for Local Cultural Centers: topics including “pathways, deprivations, will continue to uncover and cultivate
The Base for Taoyuan’s Indigenous art. and rebirths.” Through the combination young indigenous artists, accumulate the
of indigenous art and social issues, it will original driving force behind Taoyuan’s
enhance the rationality and exquisiteness indigenous art to ensure that the Taoyuan
台灣原住民族與大自然共存,孕育出獨 量向世界發聲。 of the exhibition, allowing visitors to be City Indigenous Culture Center serves as
有的文化,滋養出各自繽紛的藝術型態。桃園 本次展覽在展覽空間及視覺的規劃上, exposed to the culture and lifestyle of the the cradle for nurturing indigenous art
市原住民族文化會館致力於提供空間,讓民眾 也突破以往原民元素繽紛且充滿的陳設。大膽 indigenous peoples, while experiencing the and becomes a major base for Taoyuan’s
更親近了解原住民族藝術之美。 以簡約的風格、灰階的展間,襯托出作品的美 beauty of these tribes. We hope to use art indigenous art.
今年不同的是,我們首次邀請策展人, 感,讓畫面更加深沉、穩重,更代表著原住民 to give voice to the world.
為本年度的策展工作做整體規劃,以「地瓜路 族藝術家創作背後深厚的文化背景。而本次
In a departure from the previous format
徑」設定年度主題,再發展系列議題「路徑、 「地瓜路徑」主視覺更用咖啡色代表土地色,
characterized by multifaceted and abundant
剝奪、重生」,將原住民族藝術和社會議題結 象徵土壤提供地瓜生長的環境,此代表著桃園
elements, the space and visual design of 桃園市政府原住民族行政局局長
合,提升展覽的邏輯及內容精緻度,讓觀展民 市原住民族文化會館提供台灣原住民族藝術演 Director-general of Department
this year’s exhibition have daringly taken a of Indigenous Affairs, Taoyuan
眾在遇見原住民族的「美」時,也能體會原住 繹空間。黃色代表地瓜色,黃色具有希望的精
more simplistic and monochromatic style
民族的生活和文化,我們希望可以用藝術的力 神意義,代表原住民族藝術的蓬勃發展。 林日龍 Temu Nokan
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