Page 50 - free conversation
P. 50
This time, let’s have a practice on expressing agreement and disagreement. Below are
provided some situations in which some people are supposed to give help. If you have all
the needed things to help them, yet you have to choose priority, which one is your
priority? What will you do if you have the power to do anything in your hand? Do you
agree with your friends’ priority and actions?
a. More than a thousand children under 15 years old are working on the street in city
A. Some of them attend school, most of them don’t.
b. More than one third of people in productive age in city B are unemployed. They do
not have jobs regarding to being uneducated.
c. Some senior citizens above 55 years old in city C are doing hard work. Some of
them live in houses which are not meant to be occupied. Some live alone in isolated
d. If you take a walk in city D, you will see people live on the street. They do not have
houses or places to live. Often, they beg people for money for buying food.
e. People in city E are suffering from some serious diseases. However, they rarely do
something to cure their diseases since either the access to medical treatment is
unreachable or the charge for medical treatment is unaffordable.
Previously, you have learned how to express your agreement and disagreement. When
we say that we agree or do not agree on something, we usually have reason for that.
To state our reasons, we can use the following expressions.
- Helping the needy ones is important because …
- The sick is the one who urgently need our help because of …
- Giving money to beggars is not necessary since …
- Due to …, offering meals to homeless people makes me feel great.
means asking people
for money, food, shelter or other things,
when one is not able to give anything
instead. It also refrers to
as sponging, spanging (short for "spare-
changing") or (in American
English) panhandling.
Free Conversation