Page 147 - YC Cooking School
P. 147
Strainer or sieve
What to do:
For the brine
1. Combine all of the ingredients together in a large saucepan.
2. Bring the mixture to the boil.
3. Remove from the heat and leave to cool completely.
For the salt beef and root vegetables
1. Place the beef brisket in a deep roasting pan. Pour the brine over it so that the brisket
is completely covered with liquid.
2. Marinate the brisket in brine for 4 days in the fridge. Put a plate on top of the meat to
keep it under the brine.
3. After 4 days, remove the meat from the brine and rinse it thoroughly under cold
4. Place the brisket in a large pot. Add cold water until it just covers the meat. Bring the
water to the boil and taste the water – if it is very salty, remove the brisket from the
water and start again with fresh cold water.
5. When you are satisfied that the water is not overly salty, roughly chop the carrots,
onion, celery and garlic bulb and add to the pot with the garlic cloves and bay leaves.
6. Bring the pot up to the boil again and then reduce the heat to a simmer.
7. Slowly cook the brisket for approx. 3hrs or until it is soft.
8. Remove the beef brisket from the liquid, strain the liquid, then place the liquid in a
saucepan and put it back on the stove. You now have beef stock.
9. Poach all of the root vegetables in the beef stock – cook the turnips, potatoes and
shallots together first and when they are cooked, remove them from the stock and
add the leeks and carrots.
For finishing off with the herb crust
1. Preheat your oven to 180 ̊C.
2. Mix together all of the ingredients to make the herb crust. Then place the beef fat side
up in a roasting pan.
3. Pack the herb crust on top of the fat and cook for approximately 10-15 minutes or
until the crust is golden brown and the beef has heated through.
4. Warm up the root vegetables in a little of the beef stock
5. Remove the beef from the oven, slice and serve on a platter garnished with the
poached root vegetables.