Page 154 - YC Cooking School
P. 154

8.  Line your 32cm terrine mould or loaf tin with streaky bacon.

               9.  Pack and press ½ of the forcemeat mixture into the bottom of the mould.
              10.  Now lay the pork fillet with prune filling down the length of the mould on top of the
                   forcemeat mixture.
              11.  Tightly pack the rest of the forcemeat mixture on top of and around the fillet, making
                   sure that there are no air spaces.
              12.  Cover the forcemeat mixture with the overhanging strips of bacon and place the
                   terrine mould lid on top. If you’re not using a terrine mould, cover your loaf tin with
              13.  Place the terrine in a water bath and cook for about 45 minutes.
              14.  When the terrine is done, it should start to come away from the sides of the mould.

                   You can also test for doneness by piercing your terrine with a skewer or knife. Once
                   removed, it should be warm to touch.
              15.  Remove your terrine from the oven and water bath, place a heavy weight on top of it
                   and press in the fridge overnight.
              16.  Serve slices of your terrine with bread and butter pickles and toasted sourdough

             For the bread and butter pickles

               1.  Place the cucumbers and onions into a bowl and add the salt.
               2.  Place the remaining ingredients into a saucepan and bring to the boil until the sugar
                   has dissolved.
               3.  Pour the sauce over the cucumber and onion mixture, cover with cling film and leave
                   in the fridge overnight before serving.

             © Recipe copyright of Peter Goffe-Wood

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