Page 217 - YC Cooking School
P. 217
50g butter
2 oranges, peeled and segmented
50g fresh rocket leaves
Marinating dish
Kitchen spoons
Frying pan
Kitchen spoons
Chopping board
What to do:
For the marinade
1. Place the orange zest in a marinating dish and add salt, pepper and olive oil.
2. Place the duck breasts into the marinade and rub well, making sure that both sides
are well coated.
3. Cover the dish with cling film and place in the fridge to marinate for at least 2 hours.
For the Canard à l’orange
1. To make the sauce, combine the sugar and vinegar in a medium-sized saucepan and
bring to the boil.
2. Continue to cook until the liquid has the consistency of a light caramel. Note:
Remember to take care as caramel is much hotter than a normal boiling liquid.
3. Remove your saucepan from the heat and deglaze with the orange juice.
4. Add the stock, return your pan to a medium heat and boil until the sauce has reduced
by 2/3.
5. Place a heavy-bottomed frying pan on a medium heat.
6. Remove the duck breasts from the marinade and place them skin-side down in the
pan. Note: No extra fat should be needed. The duck fat will render and the skin will
crisp up.
7. Leave the duck breasts to render slowly for 6-10 minutes.
8. Increase the heat under the pan and turn the breasts over, cooking them for a further
3-4 minutes.