Page 349 - YC Cooking School
P. 349

Once you’ve left it to set at room temperature for about 12 hours, cut the nougat into pieces
             and store it in an airtight container. Nougat is like a sponge for moisture and if left out, can

             easily become too sticky. For the same reason, avoid making nougat in a hot and humid

             A bit about marshmallows

             Marshmallows were originally made using the powdered root of the marshmallow plant and
             were consumed mainly for medicinal purposes. Gelatin is now most commonly used to give
             marshmallows their ‘wobbliness’. When making marshmallows, the sugar syrup should
             reach a temperature of 120 °C (firm ball stage). This is a little higher than the temperature
             for fudge, but less than for nougat.

             Homemade marshmallows don't necessarily have to be cut into squares. You can actually
             dollop teaspoons of the mixture onto your baking tray to dry as rounded shapes or you can
             use a cookie cutter to cut shapes out of your sheet of marshmallow once it has cooled and

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