Page 353 - YC Cooking School
P. 353

Electric mixer

             Large sharp knife

             What to do:

               1.  Lightly grease a shallow 20cm x 20cm baking tray and line the bottom with edible rice
               2.  Add the sugar, syrup and honey to a saucepan on medium-low heat and allow to melt
                   slowly, stirring gently from time to time.
               3.  Once melted, bring to a simmer, without stirring, until the temperature reaches 120°C.
                   This usually takes about 10-15 minutes (although it can vary between gas and electric
                   stoves). While the mixture simmers, brush any sugar crystals down from the inside of

                   the pot, using a pastry brush dipped in a mug of hot water.
               4.  When the sugar syrup reaches 120 °C, add the egg whites to the bowl of your stand
                   mixture and start whisking until they reach soft peaks.
               5.  Add the icing sugar and continue whisking until stiff and glossy peaks are formed.
               6.  Once the sugar syrup reaches 141-143 °C, remove from the heat and pour into the egg
                   whites in a slow and steady stream (while continuing to whisk).
               7.  Once incorporated, add in the rosewater. Continue whisking the egg whites for

                   another 5-10 minutes or until they are thick, glossy and quite stiff. By this time, the
                   mixture will have cooled to lukewarm.
               8.  Remove the bowl from the mixer and fold in the toasted nuts and chopped apricots.
               9.  Scrape the mixture into your prepared baking tray and smooth out using a spatula or
                   a tablespoon dipped in hot water. Leave to set at room temperature for about 12
              10.  Once the nougat has set, remove from the baking tray and cut into squares using a
                   sharp knife that has been dipped in hot water.

             © Recipe copyright of Sarah Graham

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