Page 355 - YC Cooking School
P. 355
Large flat baking tray, 20cm x 20cm
Mixing bowls
Kitchen scale
Measuring cups
Measuring spoons
Medium-sized heavy-based saucepan
Pastry brush
Sugar thermometer
Electric mixer
Heatproof jug or bowl
Offset spatula
Large sharp knife
What to do:
1. Lightly grease a 20cm by 20cm baking tray and dust liberally with some of the icing
sugar and cornflour mixture.
2. Prepare your mixer, making sure that the bowl is very clean and that the whisk
attachment is in place.
3. Soak the gelatine leaves by covering them with water in a medium-sized bowl.
4. To the saucepan, add caster sugar, liquid glucose and water and allow to dissolve over
a very low heat.
5. Once dissolved, attach the sugar thermometer to the saucepan and increase the heat
to medium-high, bringing the mixture to a boil. Dip the pastry brush into a mug of hot
water from time to time and brush any sugar crystals away from the inside of the pot.
6. Continue boiling for 10-15 minutes or until the mixture reaches 125°C (hard ball
7. When the mixture is at about 120°C, add the egg whites and salt/cream of tartar to
the mixer and whisk until stiff peaks form.
8. Remove the gelatine leaves from the water and wring out gently to remove any excess
9. Add the gelatine to a large pre-heated heatproof jug or bowl and add 2-3 Tbsp of just
boiled water.
10. Stir until the gelatine has almost dissolved, then pour in the sugar syrup (once it has
reached 125°C), stirring as you go. Note: To pre-heat the glass jug, fill it with very hot
water, then pour out and dry the jug. If the jug is not pre-heated, the sugar syrup will
cool too quickly when poured in and will no longer be at the right temperature to cook
the egg whites.